Sunday, September 16, 2007

Worth While Things of Life

There are several worth while things in life. They are the things that touch the heart and the soul and maybe, just maybe the mind as well. Music is one of these things (for many people). It touches the heart and soul and if you learn to play it, it can touch your mind and set you free. The piano has always been one to fascinate me. As a teenager I tried to teach myself how to play, but I didn't have what it takes to teach myself. I need a teacher (which I am thinking about looking for!). Today I stumbled across a great Piano Chords Blog. It gives a lot of great information and has video clips to show you a variety of playing techniques using cords. It will help the self learner, and especially those taking lessons or classes. Even though I am not either of those, it was fun to have a look around and to check it out real good. Have a gander, it just might be fun!

This has been a sponsored post...thanks for tuning in...we will be right back after the break!

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