Photography has become a huge part of our lives. The 35mm became popular making photography something affordable and easy for everyone to do. But nothing has made family photography more fun and exciting then the digital camera. The digital camera opened the door to more options then we could ever have thought possible. Photo sharing became something easy for everyone and anyone to do. We upload our photos and send them off to friends and families. We can print them out in the ease and comfort of our homes. We can still get quality photos for inexpensive prices at a variety of locations, although now we can upload them to online locations and have our prints mailed to our door (all from the comfort of our pajamas).
I can't imagine life without a digital camera. Actually I can, it sucks, I know. Our batter got lost in our move. I am actually saving right now to buy a new Kodak Easy Share, I have been borrowing my father-in-laws and for t

he price it is a fa nominal camera. Very easy for anyone to use, small but not too small (you can still see it), and it has lots of great options (I can't wait to upload a few short clips and see how the video is on it).
Digital cameras are the type of thing that can be used any time and any place, one of the great things about them. I often enjoy an afternoon snapping pictures and have even used it to entertain my grumpy son (who is now 13 months old, we have been

playing this game for awhile). There isn't an end to possibilities though.

My brother-in-law takes wonderful award winning pictures with his inexpensive digital camera. He is amazingly good! But anyhow...I could go on...but I won't.
Oh, yes I will...just a second longer...The new
digital photo frame is a great idea...I can't wait to get one of my own!
This has been a paid post (although I love getting paid to say stuff that I would have enjoyed saying anyway)...thank you for tunning in...till next time...
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