I know that parents will always be parents and in many ways will always see their children as little kids. However, when the kids have all grown up and the parents are living with them, they should refrain from treating them like little kids.
I have an infected toe. So, last night about eleven o'clock I was soaking it and reading my book (can't soak my foot while the baby is up, it just doesn't work). Well, my mom came out, her face all scrunched up in displeasure, "What are you doing still up?" Um, taking care of myself...Um, what does it matter I am allowed to stay up late if I desire to...
Well...I am now, but as long as I lived under her roof it wasn't the case (I was 19 when I moved out). I had a bedtime, and a curfew (which was about 10). I was a good kid, as a teenager. Oh sometimes we fought and it wasn't pretty, well we fought a lot as I got older. But I was a "churchie". I went to church Wednesday night, Thursday night youth group, Friday night ministry outreach, and of course all day Sunday where I taught three and four year olds during Sunday school and the second service (the first service I attended, so I was there most of the day). It wasn't like I did these things alone, after all, my mom went to church too, even the same church. But even as a youth leader I would get in trouble for coming home from youth group past ten. Sometimes clean up and such took awhile.
It isn't a surprise that my mom's desire to control such things has crept up, but it is frustrating. I have long since grown up, moved out, and started my own life. In college I went to bed between four and six. We would still have a late night, late morning schedule if my husband didn't have to be to work by six in the morning. Anyhow, I just want to feel like this is my home...
Enough whining though. Have a good one :-D!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Making Life Easier
Life can get complicated. Of course, there are more and more tools to make it easier. File sharing options are now available on the web, but many of them cost money. Now you can do your file sharing free! 
Driveway allows for you to park your files on their site (up to 500MB), download them, edit them, upload them, share them allowing others to read them and even to edit them. All this can be done for free. Yep, you heard me, free. This allows you to bypass small file limits in e-mails, and you can share your files with whomever you wish. You can add your read and/or edit links to e-mails of co-workers, friends, add them to your website or blog, or allow yourself to work on the file from any computer with internet access.

There is no limit to how many files you can have, or the types of files that can be stored there. You can store audio, video, picture, and text documents.
Even more wonderful...you can create a widget to plop down on your blog or website that has a variety of files that you wish to share.
It takes a matter of moments to sign up, download their application, and get started (I know, I did it!). With your free account you get up to 2GB of space (500MB per file limit), and the ability to get started. If you have friends you can invite you can get more space!
Well that's all I have to say for now. This has been another sponsored post, though you shouldn't take my word for it, you should go check it out for yourself. Have a great day...
Driveway allows for you to park your files on their site (up to 500MB), download them, edit them, upload them, share them allowing others to read them and even to edit them. All this can be done for free. Yep, you heard me, free. This allows you to bypass small file limits in e-mails, and you can share your files with whomever you wish. You can add your read and/or edit links to e-mails of co-workers, friends, add them to your website or blog, or allow yourself to work on the file from any computer with internet access.

There is no limit to how many files you can have, or the types of files that can be stored there. You can store audio, video, picture, and text documents.
Even more wonderful...you can create a widget to plop down on your blog or website that has a variety of files that you wish to share.
It takes a matter of moments to sign up, download their application, and get started (I know, I did it!). With your free account you get up to 2GB of space (500MB per file limit), and the ability to get started. If you have friends you can invite you can get more space!
Well that's all I have to say for now. This has been another sponsored post, though you shouldn't take my word for it, you should go check it out for yourself. Have a great day...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
52. It Bothers me...
It bothers me when she gets to spend more money then we do. I can't say no and she knows it. So, when she asks, I am usually on her side, but that means that she gets what she wants and we don't. We are still working hard to recover from debt (moving here was expensive). We are so close to doing that (if we don't count my dog gone blasted school loans). This makes it so that we don't have as much to spend as we would like (Americans' number one complaint? I wish we had more to spend). I don't know where there is a balance between getting her what she needs and wants and getting us what we need and want. I also don't know how to find that balance.
I don't want her to have nothing, get nothing, and such, but at the same time, I don't like sacrificing Marcus' new clothes money (he doesn't have very many clothes that fit him any more) or my craft money so that she can have yarn and this and that (her biggest desire right now is yarn, and lots of it).
Well...such as life...
I don't want her to have nothing, get nothing, and such, but at the same time, I don't like sacrificing Marcus' new clothes money (he doesn't have very many clothes that fit him any more) or my craft money so that she can have yarn and this and that (her biggest desire right now is yarn, and lots of it).
Well...such as life...
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The Weight of It All
The weight of it all is bearing down upon me. Okay, not so much. But there are times that it certainly feels like it. Of course, now we need to talk about how to measure it. I recently went shopping for a bathroom scale because I would like to get healthy. There are a lot of scales out there and shopping for one isn't easy or conveint. Oh, but it would have been had I known...

It can be easy. And you can find any and all types of scales in one simple location. I bet you guessed it by the logo on the right! That's it, Scales Etc .com.
There are bathroom scales in a wide variety of choices. Everything from functional to beautiful, all at your finger tips and at a good price.
Put that isn't it. They have pocket scales, kitchen scales, fish scales, and shipping scales. Everything that you can think of.

Now what I need is a kitchen scale. It will make my life wonderful when I finally get to make soap!
Of course, it isn't just the price it is the fact that they sell reliable scales with lifetime warranties. Those are always good.
Well I am off for now, thank you for tuning in to yet another paid post! Come again.

It can be easy. And you can find any and all types of scales in one simple location. I bet you guessed it by the logo on the right! That's it, Scales Etc .com.

Put that isn't it. They have pocket scales, kitchen scales, fish scales, and shipping scales. Everything that you can think of.

Now what I need is a kitchen scale. It will make my life wonderful when I finally get to make soap!
Of course, it isn't just the price it is the fact that they sell reliable scales with lifetime warranties. Those are always good.
Well I am off for now, thank you for tuning in to yet another paid post! Come again.
I Miss How it Used to Be
I miss how it used to be. The easy relationship I had with my mom. Oh there were times when it was hard, when she said things that made me cry, but we had a good relationship. I liked talking to her on the phone and looked forward to visiting her. But things aren't the same when you live together. It is as if there is a wall between us. One that has grown out of issues that each of us have toward one another. (Yep, I know I am not easy to live with, and she probably has at least as many complaints about living with us as we do living with her).
I hope that this all ends quickly so that we can get back to being friends, mother and daughter, and talking for real. Not just the surface polite stuff that comes with the times, but real talking. Deep down chit chatting for hours on end. I can't wait to give her a gift, one that she doesn't expect. So, often she expects so much...well it will be nice when that is gone and no longer the issue.
I hope that this all ends quickly so that we can get back to being friends, mother and daughter, and talking for real. Not just the surface polite stuff that comes with the times, but real talking. Deep down chit chatting for hours on end. I can't wait to give her a gift, one that she doesn't expect. So, often she expects so much...well it will be nice when that is gone and no longer the issue.
Holidays are Arriving Quickly
The holidays are arriving quickly. They come so fast after this time of year. Before we know it holloween will be here, then Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and 2008. Now is the perfect time to make you holiday plans. This time is meant to be enjoyable, relaxing, after all it is full of family. Of course the holidays bring a great deal of stress as well. It is a fact there is so much to do. What are you getting mom, and grandma, and Aunt Bessie? How are you paying for it? Where are you staying while visiting this holiday season? There are so many decisions to be made. Of course Hotel Reservations can be the easiest of this holiday seasons worries. HotelReservations. com is a great website with a lot of different options there is certainly something that will meet your needs.
Need an inexpensive hotel near your parents, children or other relatives? No, problem, you can find it easily here. They have great competitive rates and are easy to use (nothing like a website claiming great rates that isn't easy to use!). They provide lots of details about a variety of rooms and can provide quotes for hotels, motels, inns, resorts, and vacation rentals (if you and your family are lucky enough to be getting away for the holidays)!
Of course if you need a break from the joys of the holidays then there is always an after New Year vacation you could plan, anywhere in the world. Take a break, relax, and be thankful that the holidays are over. Sounds great, you could book and save today.
But, there is an added advantage to HotelReservations.com. Unlike many websites geared toward the U.S. or the U.K. this one provides service for a whole bunch of countries, and they except a whole bunch of different currencies as well. So, no matter where you are from, what your needs are for this holiday and after, you should check it out. After all who doesn't want an easy way to book and SAVE!

This has been another sponsored advertisement...as always...thanks for tuning in!
Need an inexpensive hotel near your parents, children or other relatives? No, problem, you can find it easily here. They have great competitive rates and are easy to use (nothing like a website claiming great rates that isn't easy to use!). They provide lots of details about a variety of rooms and can provide quotes for hotels, motels, inns, resorts, and vacation rentals (if you and your family are lucky enough to be getting away for the holidays)!
Of course if you need a break from the joys of the holidays then there is always an after New Year vacation you could plan, anywhere in the world. Take a break, relax, and be thankful that the holidays are over. Sounds great, you could book and save today.
But, there is an added advantage to HotelReservations.com. Unlike many websites geared toward the U.S. or the U.K. this one provides service for a whole bunch of countries, and they except a whole bunch of different currencies as well. So, no matter where you are from, what your needs are for this holiday and after, you should check it out. After all who doesn't want an easy way to book and SAVE!
This has been another sponsored advertisement...as always...thanks for tuning in!
51. I Will Not...
My mom's case isn't as good as it should be. Her lawyer makes it sound like there is a chance that she will loose. Which would be bad. He wants her to get as far with the new doctor as possible. The new doctor wanted blood work and x-rays. Mom doesn't want to pay for them. The hospital (where she is getting the work done) does its eligibility project based on our income (we can't get out of it, we already tried). We make too much for mom to qualify. So, she is planning on defaulting and letting them try and get the money out of her.
The only reason this bothers me is because if she does get her disability she will get 20k after her lawyer expenses in settlement. Why can't she pay her bills? She doesn't want to give them any of that money. She is planning on using for all sorts of things (a machine that crochets, trips to Florida, Hawaii, Michigan, a cruise). Of course she has never mentioned using the money to move.
I don't like it when people are planning on cheating something or someone. That's what this is. At first she wasn't even going to get the work done. She was planning on skipping it because she didn't want to pay for it. All in all it just isn't right.
The only reason this bothers me is because if she does get her disability she will get 20k after her lawyer expenses in settlement. Why can't she pay her bills? She doesn't want to give them any of that money. She is planning on using for all sorts of things (a machine that crochets, trips to Florida, Hawaii, Michigan, a cruise). Of course she has never mentioned using the money to move.
I don't like it when people are planning on cheating something or someone. That's what this is. At first she wasn't even going to get the work done. She was planning on skipping it because she didn't want to pay for it. All in all it just isn't right.
Great Deals
Great deals are something we always want. I have never heard a person say, "I hope I have to pay more for that then what it's worth" or "I wouldn't want to buy that half off!" It doesn't happen because we like our deals. We like it when we find a good one, and we like it when it offers us quality merchandise. Buying music is often expensive, but there is a way to get a great deal, goingTODAY.com. They offer just one great deal every 24 hours and boy is it a great deal (how often have you bought a new CD for $1.99?). If it isn't something you want today, check back tomorrow, one of these days you are gonna find something that you like and it will be a great deal!
Top it all off, the company has been around since 1975. They aren't a new with the internet company or some crazy dot com that you need to worry about. They are going to get you your great deal!
This has been a sponsored post, thanks for tuning in and keep up! There will be more coming your way soon...Have a good one...
Top it all off, the company has been around since 1975. They aren't a new with the internet company or some crazy dot com that you need to worry about. They are going to get you your great deal!
This has been a sponsored post, thanks for tuning in and keep up! There will be more coming your way soon...Have a good one...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
There is a slight fear that my mom will lose her case. It is the fear that my dreams won't be able to survive. Life living with my mom is completely different then the life I imagined as a child. It is a struggle to maintain a close relationship with my husband and to make sure that my son is raised the way that I want him raised and not the way that she wants him raised. She takes up a great deal of space that would mean that living quarters either have to be tight (like they are now) or we need a really big house which isn't usually what people buy as their first home. We hope to buy our first home in the next five years and are saving hard for it, so we have been thinking about it.
If my mom gets her disability it opens up her options, a lot. She has made it sound like she doesn't really want to stay here. As much as I can come up with complaints for living with her, I wouldn't mind her staying in town. I don't mind helping her out or even running her about, as long as it isn't all the time. The only problem with her living here is that it is all the time. I do not get a break. I do not get to go home and let my hair down. It is exhausting and worrisome. But if she never gets disability...what then.
Then she doesn't have any options. Then she is now here....living off of us...and that is that.
If my mom gets her disability it opens up her options, a lot. She has made it sound like she doesn't really want to stay here. As much as I can come up with complaints for living with her, I wouldn't mind her staying in town. I don't mind helping her out or even running her about, as long as it isn't all the time. The only problem with her living here is that it is all the time. I do not get a break. I do not get to go home and let my hair down. It is exhausting and worrisome. But if she never gets disability...what then.
Then she doesn't have any options. Then she is now here....living off of us...and that is that.
Taking Off
There is nothing like taking off from this dull life and finding new and exciting things to do. This includes new and exciting places to go. There is nothing like a beach holiday, or relaxing spa holiday. Anything to get you to relax. Even a short and fun weekend break! Of course, how are you going to manage that? It is definitely easy! Just check out DialAFlight right here on the world wide web. They have everything! They have flights, hotels, car hire, and travel ideas for anywhere in the world! It doesn't matter if you are taking city breaks or the holiday of your dreams...they can help you do it all! Of course you are welcome to let your life remain dull and boring, or you can take the time to do something about it. Even if you can't afford a vacation right now, check out their website and start dreaming, saving, and making your dreams come true!
This has been a sponsored post...we thank you for tuning in and hope to see you back again in the near future!
This has been a sponsored post...we thank you for tuning in and hope to see you back again in the near future!
50. I want...
I know that life sucks without money. I know that it isn't fair that some people have it an others don't. Life is better when you can spend some money on the things you want as well as the things you need. However, there are certain things you shouldn't do. It is just a fact. But my mom doesn't really care about the things she shouldn't do.
I don't have much money. Part of this is do to the fact that the budget is set up to pay off our debts and save for large purchases (we are hoping to get a laptop real soon). Part of this is due to the plastic age. My husband has all the plastic, not because he is some controlling monster or anything, but because I didn't have ID upon arriving in Texas and could not be added to the bank account. Since then we haven't done anything to fix it.
Yesterday, we were driving around all day. At one point my mom goes, "Do you have any money I could have." Now if I did have money it wouldn't be much and I would be saving it to spend on something I want, but anyhow, like I said, those things don't really matter to my mom. I was like, "Nope, why." Well I want...She has a lot of wants which she informed me of, most of which are expensive (including a machine that crochets). But this list was small and inexpensive. She wanted some needles and some knitting needles. But then she added to it when I told her I would see what I could do.
So, we went to the store last night (because we really needed envelopes and file folders). We bought her list of things, we spent more money on her then on us. It is frustrating because she doesn't see that she gets more of her wants then the rest of us.
I don't have much money. Part of this is do to the fact that the budget is set up to pay off our debts and save for large purchases (we are hoping to get a laptop real soon). Part of this is due to the plastic age. My husband has all the plastic, not because he is some controlling monster or anything, but because I didn't have ID upon arriving in Texas and could not be added to the bank account. Since then we haven't done anything to fix it.
Yesterday, we were driving around all day. At one point my mom goes, "Do you have any money I could have." Now if I did have money it wouldn't be much and I would be saving it to spend on something I want, but anyhow, like I said, those things don't really matter to my mom. I was like, "Nope, why." Well I want...She has a lot of wants which she informed me of, most of which are expensive (including a machine that crochets). But this list was small and inexpensive. She wanted some needles and some knitting needles. But then she added to it when I told her I would see what I could do.
So, we went to the store last night (because we really needed envelopes and file folders). We bought her list of things, we spent more money on her then on us. It is frustrating because she doesn't see that she gets more of her wants then the rest of us.
Monday, September 24, 2007
49. More Trips
I am sick today. It is just one of those days, and one of those head colds. So, this morning I had to take my sister-in-law to school, then my mom to her doctors office, then to get x-rays and blood work, then to the lawyers office, then she was called back because they missed an x-ray, then home again. I was blessed in not having to take the little one (one of his aunts was watching him most of the time, he did go with us to get that last x-ray). We are on our way home, I am exhausted, I still have to walk the dog and then take my other sister-in-law to dance class for forty five minutes and then pick up her sister and take them all home a little later in the day, and she asks me if she should work harder on making a case for her disability. I knew that this was indeed something that was asking a question that wasn't what it seemed.
"What exactly are you asking?" She wants to start going to mental health once a week to work on building her case with her depression (and any other mental issues that she may have). Which I would of course have to take her to. I know that I shouldn't complain, lord knows I want her to win her case and move on with her life. But I am so tired and so tired of running around like a chicken with my head cut off. And not getting any work done. It is obvious that no one cares if I work hard on the internet and get my goals and dreams accomplished. After all, if they need something they need something. It doesn't matter that I don't feel good and need a nap. I am typing this instead of taking a nap because I have fifteen minutes before I have to wake the baby from his nap and take him and myself to dance class!
So, next week she wants a ride to the hospital on Monday to try and get her bills paid, she wants a ride to mental health on Tuesday, and a ride to the doctors office on Thursday. How am I supposed to get anything done?!?
"What exactly are you asking?" She wants to start going to mental health once a week to work on building her case with her depression (and any other mental issues that she may have). Which I would of course have to take her to. I know that I shouldn't complain, lord knows I want her to win her case and move on with her life. But I am so tired and so tired of running around like a chicken with my head cut off. And not getting any work done. It is obvious that no one cares if I work hard on the internet and get my goals and dreams accomplished. After all, if they need something they need something. It doesn't matter that I don't feel good and need a nap. I am typing this instead of taking a nap because I have fifteen minutes before I have to wake the baby from his nap and take him and myself to dance class!
So, next week she wants a ride to the hospital on Monday to try and get her bills paid, she wants a ride to mental health on Tuesday, and a ride to the doctors office on Thursday. How am I supposed to get anything done?!?
Saturday, September 22, 2007
48. The Drugs
My complaint here isn't the fact that my mom needs prescription drugs, a lot of people do. My complaint here isn't that she needs us to pay for them, that's called life.
It is rather her timing that is extremely frustrating. It is how she waits until the last possible minute, a minute that must look like it is extremely bad timing and then brings it up. Like when we are struggling to figure out how to pay all of this months bills with a check that is too small to cover them all. When we are figuring out which ones to shift until next month. When we are in tears about not having enough money to cover everything.
That's when she will knock on the door and say, "Are we going to have enough money to cover my meds this month?" First of all, I like the "we" in that sentence. It is much like a little kid (you know the kind before they are old enough to do chores) asking if "we" were going to have enough money for them to do this or that this month. After all she is a non-contributing member of this household. She doesn't do chores, she doesn't cook, she doesn't work, or chip in any money (okay a little bit, she gave us forty dollars worth of this months foodstamps, the rest she spent on junk for herself, yet she continues to eat with the family each time I cook). So, the "we" is certainly interesting.
But aside from that, why is she asking this question now? Why not at the beginning of the month? It's like a child who goes, "oh by the way, I need sixty dollars for tomorrow's field trip." Only this sixty dollars goes toward things like HEART MEDICATION!
It is rather her timing that is extremely frustrating. It is how she waits until the last possible minute, a minute that must look like it is extremely bad timing and then brings it up. Like when we are struggling to figure out how to pay all of this months bills with a check that is too small to cover them all. When we are figuring out which ones to shift until next month. When we are in tears about not having enough money to cover everything.
That's when she will knock on the door and say, "Are we going to have enough money to cover my meds this month?" First of all, I like the "we" in that sentence. It is much like a little kid (you know the kind before they are old enough to do chores) asking if "we" were going to have enough money for them to do this or that this month. After all she is a non-contributing member of this household. She doesn't do chores, she doesn't cook, she doesn't work, or chip in any money (okay a little bit, she gave us forty dollars worth of this months foodstamps, the rest she spent on junk for herself, yet she continues to eat with the family each time I cook). So, the "we" is certainly interesting.
But aside from that, why is she asking this question now? Why not at the beginning of the month? It's like a child who goes, "oh by the way, I need sixty dollars for tomorrow's field trip." Only this sixty dollars goes toward things like HEART MEDICATION!
Friday, September 21, 2007
47. The Milk
While growing up I was taught a most terrible habit. I was taught to sneak drinks of milk right out of the gallon. I would often get yelled at, but once I had such a habit it didn't matter. I got this habit from my mom and at one time one of her boyfriends. Of course when her boyfriend lived with us I didn't get in trouble. That is really when my habit started. It was later on after that habit was well developed that I would get in trouble for it.
It has never bothered my husband. At least not until recently. Recently he learned that my mom drinks from the milk here at our house. This made him mad. After all he told me, "I kiss you, but I don't want to be kissing your mom." There was a fight. It was one of those childish fights. Well, your wife does it was pretty much my mom's response. It was at that time that both of us were banned from drinking out of the milk. Which made me mad (after all it is my house). I continued to do it. Mom continued to do though not in front of any one. Even though we all knew that was what was happening we let it go.
The day before yesterday mom caught be drinking milk out of the gallon. Now she has decided she no longer has to hide the fact that she drinks out of the gallon. Of course she was upset when my husband told her the he didn't want her to drink out of the gallon even though she feels the same way about him. She even asked me once if he had picked up the habit!
It has never bothered my husband. At least not until recently. Recently he learned that my mom drinks from the milk here at our house. This made him mad. After all he told me, "I kiss you, but I don't want to be kissing your mom." There was a fight. It was one of those childish fights. Well, your wife does it was pretty much my mom's response. It was at that time that both of us were banned from drinking out of the milk. Which made me mad (after all it is my house). I continued to do it. Mom continued to do though not in front of any one. Even though we all knew that was what was happening we let it go.
The day before yesterday mom caught be drinking milk out of the gallon. Now she has decided she no longer has to hide the fact that she drinks out of the gallon. Of course she was upset when my husband told her the he didn't want her to drink out of the gallon even though she feels the same way about him. She even asked me once if he had picked up the habit!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I am Amazed
I started this blog while angry (not surprising, eh?). I started it because it seemed like a much better idea to complain to the computer screen and what (at that time) was an imaginary audience. It was like I could share my frustrations, my anger, everything with out any negative aspects creeping up on me. I never imagined I would fall for blogging. I never imagined that I would decide that I wanted to make money doing this. I would never have imagined that I would indeed start to make money. All I wanted to do was let loose.
I chose my title for a few reasons, the biggest one was that while it was catchy, I figured it was a large enough number it wouldn't be over quickly, and it was also a small enough number I could probably come up with that many complaints. I am amazed at how slow it has gone.
I haven't even reached 100 yet! I do know that the biggest reason for this is because most things are let go before I reach the computer. A lot of the things that I hate about living with my mom are small minute complaints. It is just something that annoys me or gets under my skin. Part of it is because we are a lot a like. Part of it is because I feel like she is trying to run my household (which she probably is whether or not she notices, after all she has ran a household for a long time now). Recently I have struggled with the fact that she doesn't like my husband and makes comments about him to me and our son. But, it is hard to hold onto the smaller things and remember them when it is time to write.
I hope that I won't make it to 1001. I truly hope that she gets her disability and that she moves out. I think it would be best for all of us. I think that if she stayed here as Marcus began to understand more and more that really bad things would happen.
But anyway, my friend said something that touched me, "You're family, the situation will change, and it will be easy to love again." That was good, I was particularly upset with my mom when she said it, now if only the situation would change...LOL
I chose my title for a few reasons, the biggest one was that while it was catchy, I figured it was a large enough number it wouldn't be over quickly, and it was also a small enough number I could probably come up with that many complaints. I am amazed at how slow it has gone.
I haven't even reached 100 yet! I do know that the biggest reason for this is because most things are let go before I reach the computer. A lot of the things that I hate about living with my mom are small minute complaints. It is just something that annoys me or gets under my skin. Part of it is because we are a lot a like. Part of it is because I feel like she is trying to run my household (which she probably is whether or not she notices, after all she has ran a household for a long time now). Recently I have struggled with the fact that she doesn't like my husband and makes comments about him to me and our son. But, it is hard to hold onto the smaller things and remember them when it is time to write.
I hope that I won't make it to 1001. I truly hope that she gets her disability and that she moves out. I think it would be best for all of us. I think that if she stayed here as Marcus began to understand more and more that really bad things would happen.
But anyway, my friend said something that touched me, "You're family, the situation will change, and it will be easy to love again." That was good, I was particularly upset with my mom when she said it, now if only the situation would change...LOL
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
46. Driving
I have always hated driving with my mom. I think this is a natural thing, at least when first starting to drive. For some reason we are just more tense when driving with our parents. Of course my mom is the worse person I have ever driven with. I have been driving for almost ten years now. It has only been about two years that my mom has calmed down some.
Learning to drive was a horrible experience for me. I felt criticized and bullied. It didn't matter how well I drove, my mom always found at least a million things that I did wrong. That's what she talked about too. For days sometimes weeks. She would always have her hand on the door handle, ready to jump at the first moments notice. Her foot was permanently glued to that imaginary break on the passenger side (the one only parents use). She would be shaking and ready to jump, and it made me down right nervous.
Of course it made my brother laugh. I think he is why she has calmed down with my driving. She figures that I the safer of the two. However the criticism hasn't ended. Just yesterday we were driving along. "That light is about to turn red." Um, I know, that's why it is yellow! "Texas police are more likely to pull you over for speeding in a school zone then those in Michigan!" Um, okay, doesn't matter, I just saw the school zone sign and am slowing down right now! On and on. If their were a passenger license she would have it!
Then there is one amazingly confusing thing. There are just a few drivers who scare me. My mom's best friend is one of them. She drives crazy! I mean really crazy! Yet, mom has ridden with her for years. She says that she gets scared, but I have never seen her use the imaginary break or grab the door handle to jump. What's up with that. Is she prepared to die with her friend? Or what?
Learning to drive was a horrible experience for me. I felt criticized and bullied. It didn't matter how well I drove, my mom always found at least a million things that I did wrong. That's what she talked about too. For days sometimes weeks. She would always have her hand on the door handle, ready to jump at the first moments notice. Her foot was permanently glued to that imaginary break on the passenger side (the one only parents use). She would be shaking and ready to jump, and it made me down right nervous.
Of course it made my brother laugh. I think he is why she has calmed down with my driving. She figures that I the safer of the two. However the criticism hasn't ended. Just yesterday we were driving along. "That light is about to turn red." Um, I know, that's why it is yellow! "Texas police are more likely to pull you over for speeding in a school zone then those in Michigan!" Um, okay, doesn't matter, I just saw the school zone sign and am slowing down right now! On and on. If their were a passenger license she would have it!
Then there is one amazingly confusing thing. There are just a few drivers who scare me. My mom's best friend is one of them. She drives crazy! I mean really crazy! Yet, mom has ridden with her for years. She says that she gets scared, but I have never seen her use the imaginary break or grab the door handle to jump. What's up with that. Is she prepared to die with her friend? Or what?
Monday, September 17, 2007
Trips to Great Places
I haven't been very many places. All in all I can list them quickly and easily (Michigan (I grew up there), Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, and Texas. To get to Texas I rode the bus through a few extra places Tennessee (don't ask me why, I have no idea why we visited Missouri and then Tennessee) and Arkansas). These don't happen to be the biggest and most fun states in the union to go to. As someone who hasn't done a lot of travel, I have always wanted to. I would love to see London, England; Paris, France; and so many more... Spain, Germany, Italy, and all of those great love to visit places. Of course once I got there I wouldn't know what all I wanted to do or where I wanted to go. I know as of late I have advertised a couple of different websites to aid in figuring this out. Well, that's because it is important (even if you live in those cities, I know we have been here for almost four months and still don't know where to go for good eats).

Trusted Places has been a great website for awhile, but they are amping it up. They want it to be a very user friendly experience. They want to provide an online community that assists each other in finding great places to go. And they are doing a good job at it. You can discover places to go and read reviews by real live people (such as London bars, if you were in London or going to be in London and wanted a place to visit for the evening). You can trade your recommendations and meet new people (I love networking sites). Additionally your reviews really matter. The whole point is sharing with people what other real people think and feel about places. So, you have a say as well!
Well, I haven enjoyed this site, you should give it a go...
This has been another great sponsored post, tune back in later...Hugs!

Trusted Places has been a great website for awhile, but they are amping it up. They want it to be a very user friendly experience. They want to provide an online community that assists each other in finding great places to go. And they are doing a good job at it. You can discover places to go and read reviews by real live people (such as London bars, if you were in London or going to be in London and wanted a place to visit for the evening). You can trade your recommendations and meet new people (I love networking sites). Additionally your reviews really matter. The whole point is sharing with people what other real people think and feel about places. So, you have a say as well!
Well, I haven enjoyed this site, you should give it a go...
This has been another great sponsored post, tune back in later...Hugs!
45. Privacy
My mom isn't the most private person in the world. She has never liked to shut the bathroom door. So, that's how I grew up. Leaving the door open and not caring about the rest of the family walking by. Of course our bathroom when I was growing up was such that no one could see anything if they did happen to walk by. My mom still doesn't like to close the bathroom. Which isn't too bad since she hung a curtain in the hall to block the entrance to her bathroom and bedroom. This of course doesn't look too inviting when we have company and they have to use our bathroom, but I am okay with that.
What I don't feel okay with is listening to my mom go to the bathroom. Even if we shut our door (which we usually do) we can here her grunting, growning and moaning. Maybe if she shut the bathroom door we wouldn't here so much. But it doesn't work that way. I do feel sympathy that she has so many bathroom issues, but knowing that there is nothing I can do, I just wish I didn't have to hear them...
What I don't feel okay with is listening to my mom go to the bathroom. Even if we shut our door (which we usually do) we can here her grunting, growning and moaning. Maybe if she shut the bathroom door we wouldn't here so much. But it doesn't work that way. I do feel sympathy that she has so many bathroom issues, but knowing that there is nothing I can do, I just wish I didn't have to hear them...
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Worth While Things of Life
There are several worth while things in life. They are the things that touch the heart and the soul and maybe, just maybe the mind as well. Music is one of these things (for many people). It touches the heart and soul and if you learn to play it, it can touch your mi
nd and set you free.
The piano has always been one to fascinate me. As a teenager I tried to teach myself how to play, but I didn't have what it takes to teach myself. I need a teacher (which I am thinking about looking for!). Today I stumbled across a great Piano Chords Blog. It gives a lot of great information and has video clips to show you a variety of playing techniques using cords. It will help the self learner, and especially those taking lessons or classes. Even though I am not either of those, it was fun to have a look around and to check it out real good. Have a gander, it just might be fun! 
This has been a sponsored post...thanks for tuning in...we will be right back after the break!
This has been a sponsored post...thanks for tuning in...we will be right back after the break!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
What I am Discovering
I am reading more and more blogs lately (as I should if I hope to do something with blogging). I am amazed at how many blogs are about nothing (I view completely personal stuff, like this blog, as "nothing" or at least nothing of importance) and they have huge followings. Lots of people read their stuff! They make money using Adsense and PayPerPost and they have a sizable income doing so (there are some one PayPerPost who make about 1000 a month, this isn't enough to live off of, but considering that they make that money in about twenty five hours (tops) then it is really decent. Additionally they are getting paid to do something they love, and that isn't the only way that they are making money. But everything they write is personal, rambling based, and completely like my personal blogs.
Well, except this one. This one is a bit more negative and full of complaints (usually), but even here the readership is growing. Daily it seems to grow. Bigger and bigger it gets....which is good! Mind you, I am certainly glad about that. Well...goodnight all...
Well, except this one. This one is a bit more negative and full of complaints (usually), but even here the readership is growing. Daily it seems to grow. Bigger and bigger it gets....which is good! Mind you, I am certainly glad about that. Well...goodnight all...
Friday, September 14, 2007
I Was a Student Who Struggled
When but a very young youngun I moved from a private school to a public school. This caused me great difficulty. Somewhere along the way it was completely different, I no longer understood, and I couldn't find the help I needed. I would fight with my mom about homework, I would throw fits about going to school, and I wanted to be an elementary drop out with everything that was inside me. I didn't drop out, but I struggled for three long years. It wasn't that I wasn't capable of grasping the missing links, it was merely that no one was there to show me. It was an awful feeling. These were in the days before tutoring was provided in nice neat business models. Luckily I had a teacher that was able to spend one on one time with me. Mrs. Veenstra opened the door to a love of learning. All it took was a little extra time. Th
e same thing that a tutor could do.
Now I am a mom. Albeit he is only fourteen months right now. I am still thinking about the things that matter in life. One of these things is having a love of learning, which can only happen if he understands. A tutor can help a struggling child, help them catch up and get ahead. They can open the door to loving to learn. It is as simple as that.
Math Tutors are just as important as other tutors. They can help open those doors and keep learning from being a horrible struggle. It is as simple as that. If your child is struggling, seek help today. It could make all the difference in the world.
This has been a sponsored post. Thank you for tuning in and have a great day!

Now I am a mom. Albeit he is only fourteen months right now. I am still thinking about the things that matter in life. One of these things is having a love of learning, which can only happen if he understands. A tutor can help a struggling child, help them catch up and get ahead. They can open the door to loving to learn. It is as simple as that.
Math Tutors are just as important as other tutors. They can help open those doors and keep learning from being a horrible struggle. It is as simple as that. If your child is struggling, seek help today. It could make all the difference in the world.
This has been a sponsored post. Thank you for tuning in and have a great day!
44. Respect and Quiet
I respect my mom. This is why I struggle to get the laundry done. She says that it bothers her when she is trying to sleep (which is often during the day). This makes it hard for me to get it done. But the respectful thing is to not do it when she is trying to sleep. This goes for other things too. I don't listen to music because it bothers her. We only have music at the computer in our room, so it has to be up quite loud in order to hear it in the living room and kitchen. This means it makes it hard for her to hear her tv. Well, being respectful is important to me, but I do miss music, especially while cooking, cleaning, and working on arts and crafts. But there isn't much to be done about that. I just have to try and get the laundry done when I know she is awake (maybe one of the sleepless nights she says she has been having!)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
My Counciling Session
The cold leather of the chair causes goosebumps on my arms as they rest on it. I look up at the fan that is blowing cold air down upon me. Who would have known, I needed to wear a sweater here even though it is a hundred and five outside. Watching the fan has somewhat of a numbing effect on me. Which it should, after all for two hundred and fifty dollars I better walk out of here numb and feeling delightedly better after an hour. "Tell me why you are here," she says. She is a thin woman. One of those who have read too many books and believed everything written in them. One of those who can write Ph.D. after her name and get respectful looks because of it. Her clothes are impeccable; they seem to be a part of who she is rather then what she is wearing. But that isn't what I should be doing here. Analyzing the psychiatrist isn't worth the time...right? "I am having some problems with my mom," I reply, that is simple and to the point.
But that isn't enough. "I hate living with my mom." "Why?" "Well there are a thousand and one reasons (though I have only gotten to about fifty of them..." "Tell me about your memories from childhood that involve your mother." Yep, that's where everything stems from. At least that's where most people have problems with their mothers.
"I must say, I know that my mother did her best, I know that considering her cercumstances she did a damn good job, but she hurt me. It's the kind of hurt that I have to let go of regularly. The kind that keeps sneaking back in to haunt me. You know, when I least expect it. I hear her voice playing in my head. It says things like, "see what you have done, you have no friends because you drive them all away." Of course this isn't true. If I am rational I see that I have friends, it is just that it is easier not to see. It is far easier to let life get you down (or at least to get me down, after all depression seems to be first nature for me and I have to fight to be bright and positive). That voice in my head, that sounds so much like my mother says, "You're just like you father, you just don't do it right!" It calls me names, "You are such a little bitch." Now mind you, most of these things were said when we were fighting, and my mom is one of those fighters that lashes out with everything she has and then tries and fixes it later. They are all things she has apologized for, but no matter how I try they keep creeping back in! Then there are the things that she has done that make my life harder..."
"What could those be?" asks the over paid Ph. D. "I have a yearning to smoke weed. Not because I think it should be legal and we should all just get high, but because I am addicted to it. This is an issue that is argued among many times. But the fact is that I love getting high. Mind you I haven't done it in ten years...Okay, we will start from the beginning. I was twelve. At the age of twelve I was very much against drugs and alcohol. I was also a know it all. My mom and her current boyfriend talked me into trying pot with them. The second time, when I got high, that is all it took. I loved it. Though my mom doesn't know, I loved it so much I took my clothes off and showed it all to her boyfriend for more of it. I smoked it with them for about a year and a half. I haven't touched it since. Part of me hated it. I remember smoking joints, and getting made and throwing away the roach (that part that is left after smoking it) and then when the buzz wore off, I would dig through the trash till I could find the roach to finish it off. To this day I crave it. If I smell it, I long for it. It isn't a reaction everyone has, but it is a reaction I have."
"There are other things too. But to tell you the truth. I know she did her best. I know that thinking more positively will make the voices calm down (maybe I shouldn't tell a Ph.D. I hear voices. No, doc, I don't want anti-depressants. I don't care if I have a tendency to be depressed. Anti-depressants aren't the answer for me. I just want my mom to move out of my house. I want to have to go visit her. I want to talk to her on the phone. I don't want to have to try and live my life for her. I don't want to feel like I need to tip toe around the house when she is sleeping in mid day. I don't want to be responsible for her. I want to love her, confide in her, and listen to her (but only for a short while each day). Yep, that's it, I just want her to move out!"
Hmmm...that session certainly wasn't worth two hundred and fifty dollars. Guess I am glad I had that conversation with myself, my imaginary doctor, and this Blogger post page. I saved myself a lot of dough. Of course, having a decent conversation with myself might mean that I do indeed need meds!
But that isn't enough. "I hate living with my mom." "Why?" "Well there are a thousand and one reasons (though I have only gotten to about fifty of them..." "Tell me about your memories from childhood that involve your mother." Yep, that's where everything stems from. At least that's where most people have problems with their mothers.
"I must say, I know that my mother did her best, I know that considering her cercumstances she did a damn good job, but she hurt me. It's the kind of hurt that I have to let go of regularly. The kind that keeps sneaking back in to haunt me. You know, when I least expect it. I hear her voice playing in my head. It says things like, "see what you have done, you have no friends because you drive them all away." Of course this isn't true. If I am rational I see that I have friends, it is just that it is easier not to see. It is far easier to let life get you down (or at least to get me down, after all depression seems to be first nature for me and I have to fight to be bright and positive). That voice in my head, that sounds so much like my mother says, "You're just like you father, you just don't do it right!" It calls me names, "You are such a little bitch." Now mind you, most of these things were said when we were fighting, and my mom is one of those fighters that lashes out with everything she has and then tries and fixes it later. They are all things she has apologized for, but no matter how I try they keep creeping back in! Then there are the things that she has done that make my life harder..."
"What could those be?" asks the over paid Ph. D. "I have a yearning to smoke weed. Not because I think it should be legal and we should all just get high, but because I am addicted to it. This is an issue that is argued among many times. But the fact is that I love getting high. Mind you I haven't done it in ten years...Okay, we will start from the beginning. I was twelve. At the age of twelve I was very much against drugs and alcohol. I was also a know it all. My mom and her current boyfriend talked me into trying pot with them. The second time, when I got high, that is all it took. I loved it. Though my mom doesn't know, I loved it so much I took my clothes off and showed it all to her boyfriend for more of it. I smoked it with them for about a year and a half. I haven't touched it since. Part of me hated it. I remember smoking joints, and getting made and throwing away the roach (that part that is left after smoking it) and then when the buzz wore off, I would dig through the trash till I could find the roach to finish it off. To this day I crave it. If I smell it, I long for it. It isn't a reaction everyone has, but it is a reaction I have."
"There are other things too. But to tell you the truth. I know she did her best. I know that thinking more positively will make the voices calm down (maybe I shouldn't tell a Ph.D. I hear voices. No, doc, I don't want anti-depressants. I don't care if I have a tendency to be depressed. Anti-depressants aren't the answer for me. I just want my mom to move out of my house. I want to have to go visit her. I want to talk to her on the phone. I don't want to have to try and live my life for her. I don't want to feel like I need to tip toe around the house when she is sleeping in mid day. I don't want to be responsible for her. I want to love her, confide in her, and listen to her (but only for a short while each day). Yep, that's it, I just want her to move out!"
Hmmm...that session certainly wasn't worth two hundred and fifty dollars. Guess I am glad I had that conversation with myself, my imaginary doctor, and this Blogger post page. I saved myself a lot of dough. Of course, having a decent conversation with myself might mean that I do indeed need meds!
The Exciting Happenings of Aiden :-P
Okay, so I complain on here a lot. I have had someone tell me that I do a terrible job (and it would seem that I am a terrible person as well), but none the less, don't be mistaken. I don't hate my life and I am enjoying some parts of it.
Our writing world is expanding. I have gotten rid of most of the Blogger blogs that I have been doing (or rather I am in the process of getting rid of them) and I have established the following web sites:
-The Mommy 'n' Baby Page (this takes over all of the writing on babies that I do, whether on Falon of the Tower, or The Mommy Page. It will all be here and in a new and organized way.
-A Little of Everything That Matters-This page has our reviews (movie, product, and service, and someday book reviews), Thought Provokers, This Side of That, Zero 2 Six, and will eventually have The Boring Recount of My Dull Life. But it will also have so much more (guess you will have to wait and see!)
-The Artisan Newstand- This will have articles on a variety of artisan works as well as art work and more. It is replacing Beautiful Beads and growing it into something much larger.
-The Phat Diaries-This is talking about my transformation into someone healthier and hopefully thinner! It also has a great number of resources for those who are looking to loose weight or to be healthier.
-The Large and Small-A new creatures page that will cover creatures, faeries, spirits, demons, angels, god, goddesses, cryptozoology, aliens, and ufo's from mythology, fantasy, and modern resources of beliefs.
-Falon of the Tower-of course Falon of the Tower is still around, however it now contains nothing more then our Fantasy fiction and the world that we are slowly developing. Falon is writing more and more these days so it will grow at a decent rate. It is exciting to see where all this will take us!
Of course I am still writing on Helium as well (I love the way Helium works and I love using these articles as writing warm ups!)
Our writing world is expanding. I have gotten rid of most of the Blogger blogs that I have been doing (or rather I am in the process of getting rid of them) and I have established the following web sites:
-The Mommy 'n' Baby Page (this takes over all of the writing on babies that I do, whether on Falon of the Tower, or The Mommy Page. It will all be here and in a new and organized way.
-A Little of Everything That Matters-This page has our reviews (movie, product, and service, and someday book reviews), Thought Provokers, This Side of That, Zero 2 Six, and will eventually have The Boring Recount of My Dull Life. But it will also have so much more (guess you will have to wait and see!)
-The Artisan Newstand- This will have articles on a variety of artisan works as well as art work and more. It is replacing Beautiful Beads and growing it into something much larger.
-The Phat Diaries-This is talking about my transformation into someone healthier and hopefully thinner! It also has a great number of resources for those who are looking to loose weight or to be healthier.
-The Large and Small-A new creatures page that will cover creatures, faeries, spirits, demons, angels, god, goddesses, cryptozoology, aliens, and ufo's from mythology, fantasy, and modern resources of beliefs.
-Falon of the Tower-of course Falon of the Tower is still around, however it now contains nothing more then our Fantasy fiction and the world that we are slowly developing. Falon is writing more and more these days so it will grow at a decent rate. It is exciting to see where all this will take us!
Of course I am still writing on Helium as well (I love the way Helium works and I love using these articles as writing warm ups!)
Enough About the Negative
There have been plenty of negative posts here today (probably in general). So, we are throwing in a little more positive. The holidays are coming, just around the corner. It is one of those things that bears down on you if you aren't ready. However, there are a great deal of people who like to be ready early (and take advantage of great sales). These are the people who crawl out of bed before day has hit the world, struggle into some clean clothes, grab a cup of hot coffee and hit the stores on Black Friday. Yep, that day that comes every year right after Thanksgiving where you have to leave the warmth and comfort of your own place in order to get the greatest deals on the planet.
Well that may have been last year. This year you can get up early, grab that cup of coffee and hit your computer for the greatest deals on the planet! black-friday.net is making it easy for you to do just that. They will give you e-mail updates on the black Friday savings, and they have several of everyones favorite holiday shopping locations.
Need something computer related? What about electronics? They always make great gifts. You can see the BestBuy ads, you can get Circuit City deals, or CompUSA specials.
But that's not it! They have Amazon specials, Disney deals, and much much more!
No more long lines, no more cold mornings, now is the time to stay home and shop in the warmth of your pj's and the comfort of your favorite chair.

Need something computer related? What about electronics? They always make great gifts. You can see the BestBuy ads, you can get Circuit City deals, or CompUSA specials.
But that's not it! They have Amazon specials, Disney deals, and much much more!
No more long lines, no more cold mornings, now is the time to stay home and shop in the warmth of your pj's and the comfort of your favorite chair.
A Response
I got a very lengthy comment today about my post on fighting with my husband. It was interesting, but I wanted to respond to parts of it in a substantial way...though it could be awhile (this person had a lot to say!)
1) If you don't want to read my complaints, then by all means don't visit 1001 Things I hate About living with My Mom. It won't hurt my feelings if you don't want to read it. I definitely can't nor would I want to force you to come back.
2) Life is unfair at times to everyone. However, for the most part, I am not unhappy. I love my husband, my son, and even my mom (I just don't like living with her).
1) I don't know that I have enough time on my hands. But I certainly spend a lot of time blogging (I am working hard to make a living doing just that, Blogging!).
2) As for cherishing my baby, How would anyone know how much I cherish him. He is well loved, well played with, and cherished (by more then me with 3 grandparents and 13 aunts and uncles).
Um...my mom lives with us so that we can help her. Not the other way around. While she loves Marcus and spends some time with him, she doesn't help take care of him, she doesn't help clean, or cook. So, before anyone can tell me to be appreciative of her help they should know if she does help. She spends most of her time on the phone, watching tv, and complaining. I love her dearly (though that doesn't usually come out in this blog), but she isn't helping us.
I am well aware of what I have. When I was in High School I had a friend who's father died when she was thirteen. I struggled with the pain that I had because my father let me down, drank too much, and didn't show me that he loved me. She once told me that at least he was still alive. It made me mad. After all she knew her father loved her. When my dad died when I was twenty one, I knew a little more how she felt.
I am thankful I have a mother (I just wish she didn't live with me). She doesn't help with the baby, but she is here to give plenty of advice! (if that's your thing...). I have a husband, but more then that, I have a wonderful husband (he brought me flowers and chocolates!). He has work, now it is even a good job, and we are working toward a wonderful future. Of course there will be hang ups, but there always is! I am not unhappy, I just have a few things I struggle with. It doesn't help being one prone to depression and having a very depressed person in the house with nothing you can do to help (I can't make her pain go away).
Thank you Dr. Phil, but "participating" in life is a matter of opinion. With out a car to do things during the day...I don't feel that I am missing much. Though in the next few weeks we are getting a second car (and yes, I am thankful!), and my in-laws will all be moved here. Life will be even fuller. The financial situation is getting better and better...I never said life wasn't good. I said I had issues.
I never said they did. But there are people who keep coming back. In fact I started this blog for me and me alone. I didn't think people would read it, but they do. In fact they do a lot...
Hmmm...if blogging for free works, why would I pay someone?
Problem number one...My husband and I do work as a team and I am starting to bring in money, though unfortunately it is while sitting here at the computer. Though the idea of not spending all day with my mom is an appealing one. She can't take care of the baby, and she wouldn't save on daycare. I don't remember mentioning a lifestyle I "so desire". I have one, but not in the sense that this person feels. I desire to work side by side my husband, having a family in a much older fashioned sense. One that works together, plays together, and grows together, sharing all responsibilities. It doesn't really matter how much money we make, as long as the rent is paid, we have a vehicle, and food in our tummies (utilities and internet might help too), it only matters that we are working together. Last year together my husband and I made fourteen thousand, this year we will make about thirty five to forty...life is doing fine, financially!
I don't think I would be in the situation I am in if I lacked compassion. I don't think that I would have worked as hard as I have to have my mother here. But, I suppose, if you think that everything I am is what I expose to this single blog, then maybe you can say you know all there is to know about me. Of course you would be wrong, people aren't that simple and neither am I.
Reading is definitely something that I think writers need to do a lot. I also think self help books are good for everyone (Currently reading one on people who are Negaholics, which I happen to have an issue leaning toward). Second, spelling and grammar are not the key to good writing, or even writing in general. It was nice to be insulted though (having taken honors courses through high school, not needing adult classes, and having gone to college and completed several writing courses with good marks). As for blogging "just wasting your time and insulting your intelligence" try telling that to the ProBlogger and other Professional Bloggers who have made a lot of money "wasting their time" or those who have gotten great book deals from their blogs (not that I would ever suggest this one be mass marketed in any way shape or form, but maybe some of my other ones!).
Trust me, I didn't come here to write my woos and make a fortune (although adding PayPerPost to this blog has made a nice chunk of change that keeps growing).
Another nice insult...but frankly having read a few books this week, being one who reads several blogs (oh what a shocker, I must be wasting my time, just the same as this person), and enjoying several different educational websites and topics I am sure that I have graduated from the trailer park trash section to at least something a tad bit higher. Maybe burger flipper material. As for Jerry Springer, I am sure that I would need to write some more fascinating and dirty material. I am not angry enough, sleeping with enough people, or keeping enough secrets.
I copied and pasted this (which is in my comments section on the post titled I fought...) so the spelling mistake here isn't my own...Any how, I have much humility and shame (part of the problem, I feel terrible for having issues!). But this blog isn't about sympathy, it isn't about a feeling that my world is worse then yours. I certainly know that I have it much much better then the large percent of the world population. This blog was just about me. It was my way of releasing steam. It has prevented a lot of fights (things don't seem near as serious once I put them in the blog). Could I have wrote in a diary and kept it private? Certainly, but I like typing it in, and I like the Blogger interface. I also figured that I could link it to my other works and see if it brought in more traffic to other writings that I am much more proud of. And it has. Could the blog use some work? I am sure it could, with spelling and grammar, but since it isn't something that I am ever going to try and sell...if it bothers you, don't come back.
Wow...someone crawled up your...it certainly sounds like this should never be aimed at someone you don't know. It is also clear that you have only read this blog (and only some of it). I am working toward getting healthy, as for sounding like a slob...what? Thinking, speaking, acting positive is something I have always struggled with (hence the Negaholics book), but is certainly something I am working on. Laziness...not sure how writing this blog makes me lazy, but okay. Nobody owes you ANYTHING (except maybe an apology). Love that baby...what is up with this, how does me having complaints about life with my mom living in my home make it so that I don't love my baby! Now my thoughts are coming out all jumbled. Anyway, I don't think anyone owes me SOMETHING (or ANYTHING), though that apology might be nice. I haven't a car to volunteer in my community (though I miss doing that), and as for planting a garden, I live in a nice apartment complex that isn't going to let me plant a garden in the courtyard behind my apartment. Though our Pastor is talking about making the back lot at our church into a garden for those who can't garden at home (oh what a shocker I get out at least some times!)
Oh...and my husband treats me like a queen! That must throw everyone off!
What the hell? I don't complain to my husband (at least not often) that would make him mad at my mom which certainly doesn't help any. Where does all this laziness come from? I just don't get it. Complaining about my mother, or anything else for that matter doesn't make me lazy. Being on the internet a few hours a day doesn't make me lazy. Additionally this person hasn't read anything that comes form The Phat Diaries since I am not a McDonald's fan and am trying to get healthy.
We lived with one family member (my husband's cousin) for six weeks while we got jobs, and found a place to live. It was a horrible experience, but that doesn't make me ungrateful. However, as for using those around us, that is ridiculous.
We worked hard to leave there in a timely fashion so they didn't feel used (though the situation sadly was not a good one, something that I wish I could have fixed but couldn't figure out how).
I thought it was clearly stated at the top of this blog that it was my complaints. It isn't my world, it is one small aspect of my world. The only bridge that might be burned for anything that I feel that is written in the blog would be the relationship with my mom. I sincerely hope that everything will work out fine with her (we like each other a lot more when we don't live with each other).
I like this. My child is poor because during his nap and the time that he is playing well by himself I blog. I like that it is already determined that I don't clean, cook, or spend time with anyone (including the baby). I like how it is determined from a blog dedicated to complaints that I am nothing more then a complainer and that I am sure to live a long, boring, lonely life (with no money). But most of all...I love the end...
What? That is such a dramatic change. I have been ridiculed, insulted, through a very long message that seems to be trying to make me bleed, or make me feel incredibly insufficient. It has called me stupid (though not using the words, but telling me that writing blogs is not an intelligent thing to do), unread (they obviously haven't checked the library database to see what I have been checking out, nor do they know that the librarians know us by name and play with Marcus when we go once or twice a week), and obviously I must be completely self centered, and full of hatred. Even with that said, it would seem that this letter packs a lot of hatred toward someone they don't know, or have ever met. It is amazing that some people can see a small portion of a soul, of a heart, or of a mind, and declare that they have it all figured out.
Two quick notes:
1) I am not pregnant (though we thought I might be).
2) I have exciting news that I will be sharing soon (in a new post, this one is too long, and to full of issues!)
Till next time (if there really are people who come to read this).
Oh one last thing...part of me hopes this gets read by the annonamous person who left it, and part of me thinks, "man if it is so terrible to read, why did you come back enough to say 'I sometimes visit'"!
"I sometimes visit your site and I've been reading all your complaints about how unhappy and unfair life is for you."
1) If you don't want to read my complaints, then by all means don't visit 1001 Things I hate About living with My Mom. It won't hurt my feelings if you don't want to read it. I definitely can't nor would I want to force you to come back.
2) Life is unfair at times to everyone. However, for the most part, I am not unhappy. I love my husband, my son, and even my mom (I just don't like living with her).
"Well, let me just tell you. It sounds like you have too much time on your hands you seem to spend an awful lot of time blogging. Maybe if you spent more time cherishing your baby"
1) I don't know that I have enough time on my hands. But I certainly spend a lot of time blogging (I am working hard to make a living doing just that, Blogging!).
2) As for cherishing my baby, How would anyone know how much I cherish him. He is well loved, well played with, and cherished (by more then me with 3 grandparents and 13 aunts and uncles).
"and being appreciative of all the help and support your mother gives you,"
Um...my mom lives with us so that we can help her. Not the other way around. While she loves Marcus and spends some time with him, she doesn't help take care of him, she doesn't help clean, or cook. So, before anyone can tell me to be appreciative of her help they should know if she does help. She spends most of her time on the phone, watching tv, and complaining. I love her dearly (though that doesn't usually come out in this blog), but she isn't helping us.
"Many don't have their mothers, many don't have their mother's help with newborns, and many can't have babies and many don't have husbands, and many husbands can't find work- you have what could be the start to a full satisfactory life, but yet you're unhappy?"
I am well aware of what I have. When I was in High School I had a friend who's father died when she was thirteen. I struggled with the pain that I had because my father let me down, drank too much, and didn't show me that he loved me. She once told me that at least he was still alive. It made me mad. After all she knew her father loved her. When my dad died when I was twenty one, I knew a little more how she felt.
I am thankful I have a mother (I just wish she didn't live with me). She doesn't help with the baby, but she is here to give plenty of advice! (if that's your thing...). I have a husband, but more then that, I have a wonderful husband (he brought me flowers and chocolates!). He has work, now it is even a good job, and we are working toward a wonderful future. Of course there will be hang ups, but there always is! I am not unhappy, I just have a few things I struggle with. It doesn't help being one prone to depression and having a very depressed person in the house with nothing you can do to help (I can't make her pain go away).
"You also might find that your life will be a little more worthwhile if you actually participated in life"
Thank you Dr. Phil, but "participating" in life is a matter of opinion. With out a car to do things during the day...I don't feel that I am missing much. Though in the next few weeks we are getting a second car (and yes, I am thankful!), and my in-laws will all be moved here. Life will be even fuller. The financial situation is getting better and better...I never said life wasn't good. I said I had issues.
"Get off this computer, nobody cares about your day to day complaints-"
I never said they did. But there are people who keep coming back. In fact I started this blog for me and me alone. I didn't think people would read it, but they do. In fact they do a lot...
"if you feel that you need counseling, you should go seek help like the rest of the world."
Hmmm...if blogging for free works, why would I pay someone?
"You also might find, that working as a team with your husband and attempting to bring in income might make your world a little more fulfilling,HEY, then you won't be around your mom all day, and since she is living with you til who knows when, she could save you a lot on daycare and you might feel some sense of pride and you might be able to someday afford the lifestyle you so desire."
Problem number one...My husband and I do work as a team and I am starting to bring in money, though unfortunately it is while sitting here at the computer. Though the idea of not spending all day with my mom is an appealing one. She can't take care of the baby, and she wouldn't save on daycare. I don't remember mentioning a lifestyle I "so desire". I have one, but not in the sense that this person feels. I desire to work side by side my husband, having a family in a much older fashioned sense. One that works together, plays together, and grows together, sharing all responsibilities. It doesn't really matter how much money we make, as long as the rent is paid, we have a vehicle, and food in our tummies (utilities and internet might help too), it only matters that we are working together. Last year together my husband and I made fourteen thousand, this year we will make about thirty five to forty...life is doing fine, financially!
"And you might actually feel good about yourself, like helping your mom during her time in disability! Where's your sense of compassion?"
I don't think I would be in the situation I am in if I lacked compassion. I don't think that I would have worked as hard as I have to have my mother here. But, I suppose, if you think that everything I am is what I expose to this single blog, then maybe you can say you know all there is to know about me. Of course you would be wrong, people aren't that simple and neither am I.
"You've mentioned how you fancy yourself as a writer, most writers read an awful lot, I would suggest some self help books to start with - maybe motivational. I"m sure you know that to be a writer, spelling and grammar are key, those are basic. You might consider taking some classes at an adult school - they're usually free - you may not yet be ready for college from the many basic mistakes detected in your writing style. To make money at writing you will need to write to a marketable audience- and blogging is just wasting your time and insulting your intelligence."
Reading is definitely something that I think writers need to do a lot. I also think self help books are good for everyone (Currently reading one on people who are Negaholics, which I happen to have an issue leaning toward). Second, spelling and grammar are not the key to good writing, or even writing in general. It was nice to be insulted though (having taken honors courses through high school, not needing adult classes, and having gone to college and completed several writing courses with good marks). As for blogging "just wasting your time and insulting your intelligence" try telling that to the ProBlogger and other Professional Bloggers who have made a lot of money "wasting their time" or those who have gotten great book deals from their blogs (not that I would ever suggest this one be mass marketed in any way shape or form, but maybe some of my other ones!).
"The body of content has to actually be interesting and hold your reader's attention, so I'm sorry to say, but I sure hope that you honestly do not intend or hope to actually make money with what you write about. Autobiographies are written about accomplished people who contribute much to the world- you are publishing your diary which is quite frankly uneventful."
Trust me, I didn't come here to write my woos and make a fortune (although adding PayPerPost to this blog has made a nice chunk of change that keeps growing).
"So unless you are auditioning for a trailer park trash slot on the Jerry Springer show, you may want to change topics in which you choose to write about - most people prefer to read about things that are useful or enriching, or amusing,action packed or that touches their heart, or just simply something they find fascinating."
Another nice insult...but frankly having read a few books this week, being one who reads several blogs (oh what a shocker, I must be wasting my time, just the same as this person), and enjoying several different educational websites and topics I am sure that I have graduated from the trailer park trash section to at least something a tad bit higher. Maybe burger flipper material. As for Jerry Springer, I am sure that I would need to write some more fascinating and dirty material. I am not angry enough, sleeping with enough people, or keeping enough secrets.
"You my dear are a bore. Also a quality of true writers is that they proof read before they share with the world. Have you never looked back at some the ridiculous stuff you write about yourself and become extremely embarassed? Have you no humility or shame? Your troubles are your own, you bring them all upon yourself and my only thought as to why you would possibly want anyone on the world wide web to read about your sad little world is because you want someone to offer you sympathy? SORRY, but you won't get that - everyone has difficulties sister, that's life."
I copied and pasted this (which is in my comments section on the post titled I fought...) so the spelling mistake here isn't my own...Any how, I have much humility and shame (part of the problem, I feel terrible for having issues!). But this blog isn't about sympathy, it isn't about a feeling that my world is worse then yours. I certainly know that I have it much much better then the large percent of the world population. This blog was just about me. It was my way of releasing steam. It has prevented a lot of fights (things don't seem near as serious once I put them in the blog). Could I have wrote in a diary and kept it private? Certainly, but I like typing it in, and I like the Blogger interface. I also figured that I could link it to my other works and see if it brought in more traffic to other writings that I am much more proud of. And it has. Could the blog use some work? I am sure it could, with spelling and grammar, but since it isn't something that I am ever going to try and sell...if it bothers you, don't come back.
"I guarantee you that NO ONE will treat you like a queen until you start treating yourself like one- get some exercise, you might find that you will have more energy and not need as much sleep. Being pregnant is not an illness, your body was meant to move - fresh air, exercise, eating healthy- this is all basic to maintaining a healthy body and mind - cut all the pop and junk food (fast food) from your diet and you won't be so tired and robbed of energy, get involved with the community- try helping others who are less fortunate than you, take your kid to the park, plant a garden, make some real friends, not just virtual(imaginary) friends, don't share so much about your problems, make some positive changes - starting with the way you speak (think and speak positive), clean your house, don't eat in bed, get outside and get some fresh air, be thoughtful and thankful towards all the friends and family who feel that you are worth their time, and love that baby. Be a little more respectful of those that support your laziness- it amazes me how you think all your complaints are valid, yet to me, and to the rest of us readers, you sound like a slob and somewhat abusive towards your family - definitely neglectful. Once you actually give a little, you will find that you will receive a little too. Nobody owes you ANYTHING."
Wow...someone crawled up your...it certainly sounds like this should never be aimed at someone you don't know. It is also clear that you have only read this blog (and only some of it). I am working toward getting healthy, as for sounding like a slob...what? Thinking, speaking, acting positive is something I have always struggled with (hence the Negaholics book), but is certainly something I am working on. Laziness...not sure how writing this blog makes me lazy, but okay. Nobody owes you ANYTHING (except maybe an apology). Love that baby...what is up with this, how does me having complaints about life with my mom living in my home make it so that I don't love my baby! Now my thoughts are coming out all jumbled. Anyway, I don't think anyone owes me SOMETHING (or ANYTHING), though that apology might be nice. I haven't a car to volunteer in my community (though I miss doing that), and as for planting a garden, I live in a nice apartment complex that isn't going to let me plant a garden in the courtyard behind my apartment. Though our Pastor is talking about making the back lot at our church into a garden for those who can't garden at home (oh what a shocker I get out at least some times!)
Oh...and my husband treats me like a queen! That must throw everyone off!
"Life is what YOU make it, and from what I've read, you prefer to wallow in the muck and mire - very similar to a pig in maneur. Being a mother can be a rewarding job, and you are very fortunate to have a child. Being a wife IS a responsibility - your husband will someday resent and possibly retaliate against your laziness - I mean after all, you treat him like a dog! He works all day to support you, your mom, himself and your child (and the one on the way? ) just to come home and hear you whine about how your mom asked you to pick up after yourself and how tired you are?, he has to take care of the baby, and I bet you don't cook for him either - let me guess McDonald's every night?"
What the hell? I don't complain to my husband (at least not often) that would make him mad at my mom which certainly doesn't help any. Where does all this laziness come from? I just don't get it. Complaining about my mother, or anything else for that matter doesn't make me lazy. Being on the internet a few hours a day doesn't make me lazy. Additionally this person hasn't read anything that comes form The Phat Diaries since I am not a McDonald's fan and am trying to get healthy.
"You should be working as a team with your husband, not sitting around on this computer all day every day. Show some respect. He is out working all day while you do NOTHING. For a young couple, yes it can be difficult, you are paving the way for your future- which in your daily despair, I predict a bleak outcome. It is extremely disrespectful how you take advantage of everyone you know and how you are so unappreciative. The way you've described how poor you are and all the various family members you've lived with - seems like you have had a lot of family willing to share to help get you started in the big bad world. But yet, you type nothing but negative, ungreatful comments about each of them. Have you ever considered where you might be without any of them? Do you think it's a picnic for any of them? It disgusts me just to READ about your day, I can't imagine actually welcoming you into my home or having to live with you"
We lived with one family member (my husband's cousin) for six weeks while we got jobs, and found a place to live. It was a horrible experience, but that doesn't make me ungrateful. However, as for using those around us, that is ridiculous.
"my guess is that you were asked to leave the homes of your family members."
We worked hard to leave there in a timely fashion so they didn't feel used (though the situation sadly was not a good one, something that I wish I could have fixed but couldn't figure out how).
"From the way you describe yourself and your day to day CRAP that makes up your world - you continue to burn bridges to the point where you will have NO ONE."
I thought it was clearly stated at the top of this blog that it was my complaints. It isn't my world, it is one small aspect of my world. The only bridge that might be burned for anything that I feel that is written in the blog would be the relationship with my mom. I sincerely hope that everything will work out fine with her (we like each other a lot more when we don't live with each other).
"I think it's time you grow up and start thinking of other people besides yourself - starting with that poor child of yours."
I like this. My child is poor because during his nap and the time that he is playing well by himself I blog. I like that it is already determined that I don't clean, cook, or spend time with anyone (including the baby). I like how it is determined from a blog dedicated to complaints that I am nothing more then a complainer and that I am sure to live a long, boring, lonely life (with no money). But most of all...I love the end...
"-Good Luck"
What? That is such a dramatic change. I have been ridiculed, insulted, through a very long message that seems to be trying to make me bleed, or make me feel incredibly insufficient. It has called me stupid (though not using the words, but telling me that writing blogs is not an intelligent thing to do), unread (they obviously haven't checked the library database to see what I have been checking out, nor do they know that the librarians know us by name and play with Marcus when we go once or twice a week), and obviously I must be completely self centered, and full of hatred. Even with that said, it would seem that this letter packs a lot of hatred toward someone they don't know, or have ever met. It is amazing that some people can see a small portion of a soul, of a heart, or of a mind, and declare that they have it all figured out.
Two quick notes:
1) I am not pregnant (though we thought I might be).
2) I have exciting news that I will be sharing soon (in a new post, this one is too long, and to full of issues!)
Till next time (if there really are people who come to read this).
Oh one last thing...part of me hopes this gets read by the annonamous person who left it, and part of me thinks, "man if it is so terrible to read, why did you come back enough to say 'I sometimes visit'"!
Making Money
As many of you know...my husband and I want to stay home and work side by side, while still making a decent living. We want to write and create and enjoy the fruits of our labor. One of the ways that we are working toward doing this is blogging. We have several blogs that are slowly moving to their own web pages (as we speak). This is exciting, and things are growing. However, nothing is directly making money yet.
But...a month ago (August 13th) I joined PayPerPost. PayPerPost pays you to write posts providing buzz or reviews for different advertisers. The first two weeks were hard. I had a few opportunities and then my posts started getting denied and I had to figure out why. However, once I got past that hurtle things started smoothing out and posts have gotten easier and easier.
This is how it has worked for me...It takes about fifteen minutes for me to write a good post and I usually get five dollar offers (though I have taken one for thirty dollars). I enjoy going through a website and coming up with real information and real positive points. With PayPerPost you have to have ten posts that have been written, reviewed, and excepted before you can add a second blog. Additionally, you can only have two paid posts on each blog a day. Plus with a blog that isn't ranked with Google or Alexia you aren't given that many opportunities. Yet, I have made $117.06. And it probably only took three hours or so.
PayPerPost isn't a get rich scheme. You still have to do the work. But the work isn't hard and over time you build it up. Your blog gets more visitors and you get ranked higher so
you are eligible for more opportunities. You get to add additional blogs. Before you know it, it could be a wonderful thing. A very wonderful thing. Just think, I am getting paid twenty dollars an hour (sometimes more) to write blog ads. What about you?
Of course...you don't have to take my word for it...you can sign up and give it a try (after all it is free, just a little bit of your time and twenty dollars for your first post) or you can hear what other posties have to say about their experiences with PayPerPost. Either way...
Of course...this has been another great sponsored advertisement, brought to you by another great service! Stay tuned, there will be more after the break!
But...a month ago (August 13th) I joined PayPerPost. PayPerPost pays you to write posts providing buzz or reviews for different advertisers. The first two weeks were hard. I had a few opportunities and then my posts started getting denied and I had to figure out why. However, once I got past that hurtle things started smoothing out and posts have gotten easier and easier.
This is how it has worked for me...It takes about fifteen minutes for me to write a good post and I usually get five dollar offers (though I have taken one for thirty dollars). I enjoy going through a website and coming up with real information and real positive points. With PayPerPost you have to have ten posts that have been written, reviewed, and excepted before you can add a second blog. Additionally, you can only have two paid posts on each blog a day. Plus with a blog that isn't ranked with Google or Alexia you aren't given that many opportunities. Yet, I have made $117.06. And it probably only took three hours or so.
PayPerPost isn't a get rich scheme. You still have to do the work. But the work isn't hard and over time you build it up. Your blog gets more visitors and you get ranked higher so

Of course...you don't have to take my word for it...you can sign up and give it a try (after all it is free, just a little bit of your time and twenty dollars for your first post) or you can hear what other posties have to say about their experiences with PayPerPost. Either way...
Of course...this has been another great sponsored advertisement, brought to you by another great service! Stay tuned, there will be more after the break!
I Fought...
I fought with my husband last night. It is something that happens a lot. It seems that no matter how hard I try, I end up between my mom and my husband and it is always bad. Of course my mom doesn't know that we have been fighting more and more and always about her or the situation with her here. I just am not sure what to do. Because of everything that is going on I keep getting hurt. It feels like they are going to crush me to death. They both hate each other, something that both of them have let me know. They both hate living with each other. It is incredibly annoying. I wish it all would end, but there isn't really an end in sight. We are waiting for her disability hearing which could happen sometime in the next six months, hopefully. Her lawyers communication doesn't make me feel like he is confident though. I am worried about what will happen if she doesn't get her disability. Is she planning on staying with us forever?
Of course the other day made it sound like she was. She was talking about a craft fair that is this weekend and how we weren't doing it this year because we didn't have enough stuff built up in stock, but she wants to do it next year. Does that mean she plans on being around here until next year? That she plans on staying here forever? Living with us till she dies (she is only forty eight, she could live a very long time). If she is planning on staying here till she dies, does that mean our children will grow up and leave us before she does? Marcus is one...I can't imagine what he will be like if she lives with us his entire life. She is already teaching him to sneak candy, which she gives him everyday and is afraid that we will take it away from him. She already sneaks him all kinds of crap. This is something I think grandparents get to do. When the grandkid comes over they can spoil it, but when you live with the grandkid, it doesn't work the same way. It isn't like visiting grandma once or twice a week (at most).
I just don't know how it is that I am going to survive this. I don't know how it is that my marriage could continue to be under this pressure for a long term (it has been six months now) and not feel it for the long run. I know that my marriage is most important to me, I am just not certain what to do about it. This isn't something that our young marriage should have to endure, and I just don't know what to do. We have had a lot happen. On September 23rd we will have been married for two years. In that time we survived a horrible pregnancy, had a baby, moved from Michigan to Wisconsin, lived with strangers (though they were relatives), had a bad experience living with them, got our second apartment, had mom move in, had Peter move to Texas, spent three months apart, finally moved to Texas, and are now living in our third apartment (with my mom). It has been a lot to happen in two years.
Well...I guess...such as life.
Of course the other day made it sound like she was. She was talking about a craft fair that is this weekend and how we weren't doing it this year because we didn't have enough stuff built up in stock, but she wants to do it next year. Does that mean she plans on being around here until next year? That she plans on staying here forever? Living with us till she dies (she is only forty eight, she could live a very long time). If she is planning on staying here till she dies, does that mean our children will grow up and leave us before she does? Marcus is one...I can't imagine what he will be like if she lives with us his entire life. She is already teaching him to sneak candy, which she gives him everyday and is afraid that we will take it away from him. She already sneaks him all kinds of crap. This is something I think grandparents get to do. When the grandkid comes over they can spoil it, but when you live with the grandkid, it doesn't work the same way. It isn't like visiting grandma once or twice a week (at most).
I just don't know how it is that I am going to survive this. I don't know how it is that my marriage could continue to be under this pressure for a long term (it has been six months now) and not feel it for the long run. I know that my marriage is most important to me, I am just not certain what to do about it. This isn't something that our young marriage should have to endure, and I just don't know what to do. We have had a lot happen. On September 23rd we will have been married for two years. In that time we survived a horrible pregnancy, had a baby, moved from Michigan to Wisconsin, lived with strangers (though they were relatives), had a bad experience living with them, got our second apartment, had mom move in, had Peter move to Texas, spent three months apart, finally moved to Texas, and are now living in our third apartment (with my mom). It has been a lot to happen in two years.
Well...I guess...such as life.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Protection Against Identity Theft
In this day and age where security must mean something important to all of us, it is always a concern. After all identity theft can and has ruined lives, caused great debts and pains, and changed people. If you are one who has gone through such a horrid experience, you know, if not, hopefully you never have to know! As someone who is reluctant to give my personal information out, I believe that security is the key to making the Internet a safer place to shop, visit, and play.
As someone who works on the Internet as well, I believe that it is important to find services that are going to help you. RegOnline is one of these services. With their services you can make event registration simple and safe! They provide the best of security with the highest encryption for credit cards, access control measures, as well as regular testing and monitoring of networks.

They make it easy to create registration forms, except money, and manage multiple events. On top of that it takes only fifteen minutes of your time to sign up.
In addition to how easy RegOnline makes it, their pricing is very reasonable. But of course you don't have to take it from me. See for yourself today!
Well folks, that's it for now. I do suggest that you take a look! especially if you have any events that you are planning...This has been a sponsored post, by one great service, come again!

They make it easy to create registration forms, except money, and manage multiple events. On top of that it takes only fifteen minutes of your time to sign up.
In addition to how easy RegOnline makes it, their pricing is very reasonable. But of course you don't have to take it from me. See for yourself today!
Well folks, that's it for now. I do suggest that you take a look! especially if you have any events that you are planning...This has been a sponsored post, by one great service, come again!
43. Errr....
I don't know how many of you have heard about my hatred of cooking, but today it comes into place once again. I hate cooking because I could never do it right growing up. There was always something wrong with what I cooked whether it was something I made up, or whether I followed her recipe. The noodles might be over cooked, or the sauce might be this or it might be that. All in all it didn't take long and I hated cooking. In college I made up several dishes that I liked, though they didn't really have names. My roommate thought I was a good cook, but that doesn't change the fact that I don't like it. My husband likes my cooking, but my mom still doesn't like it.
This has been an issue with my mom living here. After all I cook, and she complains. Today, we haven't even eaten yet and the complaints are out. She saw the hamburger and the sauce sitting on the counter. When she found out I was making my favorite pasta and not spaghetti, she was disappointed. "Oh, we aren't having spaghetti? I thought dinner was going to be something I liked." Oh my gosh!
This has been an issue with my mom living here. After all I cook, and she complains. Today, we haven't even eaten yet and the complaints are out. She saw the hamburger and the sauce sitting on the counter. When she found out I was making my favorite pasta and not spaghetti, she was disappointed. "Oh, we aren't having spaghetti? I thought dinner was going to be something I liked." Oh my gosh!
A Dream Trip

Since I was a very young girl I have wanted to go to New York City. I had a friend (my second cousin who was all grown up but spent time with us) who talked about it with me for hours. I was twelve and very excited. He was going to take me to see the sights and spend a few nights. That trip never happened, but I am still looking forward to going one day. Of course when I do go, I will want to know which are the best New York City Restaurants to hit. I hate hoping that the place you have chosen has decent food for the price. I also hate paying a lot for a meal that was less then wonderful. Of course, there is help out there on the wonderful Internet. Martini Boys will give you a fantastic Dinning Guide and a Nightlife guide. Nothing could be better then knowing where you should go to have a good time, a good meal, and vaction that you will never forget (which is always good if it is a vacation you will never forget in a positive way!). Of course they have more then just New York City reviews. They currently have aToronto Dining Guide , as well as reviews in Montreal, Miami, Calgary, and Vancouver.
If you are headed to one of these places, it is definitely worth your time! If you live in one of these places, it is also worth your time. How? you might ask. Well that's simple, it is always a great find when you find something new and exciting right there in your own city. Check it out, you won't be disappointed!
Thank you for tuning in, to another great advertisement, brought to you by another great service. Come back again!
Oh yeah, and they also have hotel information!
42. Put off Today What You Can Do Tomorrow
I am not saying that it always works this way. But having had a lifetime of procrastination under my belt, I must say that it isn't wise to put off today what you can do tomorrow. I think that it is best to just get what needs to be done, done (though I often don't). However, my mom choose to wait. I was supposed to take her Monday to get her blood drawn and her x-rays done, and she choose to wait. When my father-in-law called and told me that I would have to pick him up on Tuesday afternoon. She wanted to go to the hospital on Tuesday morning. Then Tuesday morning while getting ready we received a phone call from none other then my dear father-in-law letting us know that he would be arriving shortly and would need the van back to commence his life here in West Texas.
The point is...she put it off. It still has to be done and the sooner the better. But now I have to finagle a way to get it done. I certainly can't find a magic pumpkin and get her there that way. I very much hate getting up at four thirty and driving my husband to work at five thirty and driving back alone in the dark (it is a half an hour trip), but that right now is the easiest way to have a vehicle. Unless I ask my father-in-law. I keep feeling like one day he will be frustrated with me and feel as though I am using him. I hate asking for help again and again...
The point is...she put it off. It still has to be done and the sooner the better. But now I have to finagle a way to get it done. I certainly can't find a magic pumpkin and get her there that way. I very much hate getting up at four thirty and driving my husband to work at five thirty and driving back alone in the dark (it is a half an hour trip), but that right now is the easiest way to have a vehicle. Unless I ask my father-in-law. I keep feeling like one day he will be frustrated with me and feel as though I am using him. I hate asking for help again and again...
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Electronic Advancements
The electronic age is upon us. It has taken over many corners and made our lives easier and cheaper. Now that same technology is taking over mortgages. Mortgages can now be paperless. While saving hundreds of trees, storage space, time, and money for most buyers I am sure that it is the money that is most exciting. Sure it feels good to save a tree, but it feels better to save something else that is green. This new process, known as eclosing is simple. Everything is prepared electronically and stored electronically! Currently there are many different mortgage companies who are working with electronic closings. Top it all off, you can be closing in 15 minutes...nothing gets better then that (except saving that green stuff!)!
Thank you for tuning in...this has been another sponsored advertisement of another great service...we hope to see you back soon!
Thank you for tuning in...this has been another sponsored advertisement of another great service...we hope to see you back soon!
41. The Sleeping Monster
My mom says she doesn't sleep much. I wouldn't know, I do sleep and enjoy it very much (and often wish that I could enjoy it longer, but Marcus doesn't allow that). Yesterday she postponed going to the hospital to get her blood work and x-rays done. Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow. Well she is sleeping, and I can't wake her. It is almost nine and I feel the clock ticking. It usually takes an hour for her to get ready. Then the thirty minutes it takes to get there. I need to be back here around noon so that I can walk the dog, then at 1:45 I need to go pick up my in-laws. I could push walking the dog back a little bit...but...
It is almost nine now. So, ten before we leave. Ten thirty before we arrive. If it takes two hours (hopefully no more then that, but I don't have much faith) then we are leaving there at Twelve thirty. Getting here at one. I would have to rush around to feed the baby lunch and get the dog walked, then leave here by one fifteen to get to the airport (which is out in the middle of no where) by one forty five. Any way, she needs to be getting up, but she won't wake up by me calling her. She is snoring loudly and probably took sleeping pills. ERRR...
It is almost nine now. So, ten before we leave. Ten thirty before we arrive. If it takes two hours (hopefully no more then that, but I don't have much faith) then we are leaving there at Twelve thirty. Getting here at one. I would have to rush around to feed the baby lunch and get the dog walked, then leave here by one fifteen to get to the airport (which is out in the middle of no where) by one forty five. Any way, she needs to be getting up, but she won't wake up by me calling her. She is snoring loudly and probably took sleeping pills. ERRR...
Monday, September 10, 2007
Some Important Things

We talked about innovative tutors awhile back and we are here on a similar subject. Mostly we are here on this similar subject because it is of such importance. Actually this one is of more importance.
Not that I am trying to say that innovative tutors and a wide variety of tutoring isn't needed. What I am trying to say is that if your child is struggling with reading Reading Tutors can make a world of difference. Reading is at the center of learning. If someone is struggling to read they are struggling to learn. But it doesn't have to be that way anymore. They can get the help they need (and Score! Education Centers are a reputable place to do that at) and not only succeed, but thrive. When learning is easy and fun, it is something that people want to do. It is only when they struggle that it becomes painful. If your child is struggling with reading talk to his teacher about tutors, and then look around, I would suggest you start by looking into what Score has to offer!
Thank you for tuning in...this has been another paid advertisement...we look forward to seeing you again!
40. Rearranging
Today is Monday. It is a Monday that my father-in-law has flown back to Michigan. Therefore my sister-in-law needs a ride to and from college. Additionally my mom needed to get e-rays and blood drawn. Today was a good day since I already had the in-laws van. When my father-in-law called to tell me that he wouldn't be arriving till one forty five tomorrow and could I meet him at the air port I said okay. This means I have to drive Rebekah to college tomorrow morning. But it also means that my mom didn't want to take care of what she needs to take care of today. She wants to wait till tomorrow. The problem. I have taken it easy today, since I have a bazillion and one things to do. Which means I pretty much wasted today and tomorrow!
Head down and shaking...well that's all for now.
Head down and shaking...well that's all for now.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
International Phone Cards

International calls aren't something that is real affordable. They can cost all kinds of money and there are often fees associated with calling internationally. Pingo has a long distance card that could save you money. But they have more then that. Join now and there are a great deal of benefits. Join now and you can receive up to five hours of FREE international calling. Additionally you can get a $3 off your phone card purchase just by using the PPP3 code in the coupon box at check out.
Not only can you get these great deals now, but Pingo has no hidden fees, no hassles, and the best international rates available. You can't say that about very many phone companies. You can get a Global Phone Card or another type of Prepaid Phone Card and take care of all of your calling needs.
But that still isn't it. You can receive $15 for each new user you refer. Refer ten friends and that's 100 dollars! You know a lot of people or have a blog or website that reaches thousands....that could be a lot of money in your pocket, and for one great service too!
We have all had horrible experiences with phone cards before (when you find out that 100 minutes only means 50 when calling coast to coast!), and most of us have had bad experiences with cell phone companies and phone companies...wouldn't it be nice just to sit back, not have to worry, and maybe make a little referral money while we are talking to friends and family worldwide?
This has been another wonderful paid post, brought to you by Pingo, a company worth supporting...Thanks for tuning in...till next time...
39. The Lists
This weekend there was a list of things that I had to get from the store for my mom. She kept reminding me and I kept forgetting. Then she harassed me and made me feel guilty. Finally today we spent forever at the store. The biggest reason, we had to wait for her prescription. Then we we went and picked it up, it wasn't all there. They gave her 12 our of 120. So, I have to go pack (they won't have more in till Wednesday). Which means, Wednesday I have to figure out how to get back. I have no idea what time the pharmacy closes or how I will get there. If it closes before my husband gets home for work....
I will be harassed some more.
I will be harassed some more.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Where do We Go To Eat?
The time has come and the question is out, "Where we goin'?" The answer is hard to know. You don't know this city (or maybe you do and you still don't know where to go that is good. So, what is it you can do? Check out Trusted Places, they might just have the answer. Trusted Places is where you can see others' reviews of their favorite (or not so favorite) places to go. It is from there that you can get a recommendation. For example, it is your first time in London, where do you go? Go to Trusted Places to find a good london restaurant. It is as simple as that.
Plus, you can add your own favorite (or not so favorite) place to go!
As always...thank you for tuning in to our paid advertisements...till next time.
Plus, you can add your own favorite (or not so favorite) place to go!
As always...thank you for tuning in to our paid advertisements...till next time.
38. The Hissy Fit
Every now and again there is something that happens that is just rediculrous. It's like how did that happen and you sit down just stunned. Yesterday had one such of these things. We were getting ready to go to Walmart, partly because I wanted to get supplies to try my hand at paper bead making, and partly because mom wanted to get out and spend her food stamps. So we all headed out to our Nissan Sentry. Now I have felt very blessed by our car, which has been a good car, and was given to us. However, it is very small, there is not an adult size back seat and at five foot one inch I am bump my head on the ceiling when in the back seat. Additionally getting in and out is tricky, especially doing it without getting hurt. I wedged myself in, and unbeknown to me or my husband I had my foot in the way, so when the seat was slid back, ouch.
But this wasn't the bad part, no this wasn't bad at all. It was the fact that my mom threw a fit about it. She got mad and stormed off. She said she was tired of hurting me every time that we went anywhere. And because of that...she didn't want to go. And she cried and started to yell...
But this wasn't the bad part, no this wasn't bad at all. It was the fact that my mom threw a fit about it. She got mad and stormed off. She said she was tired of hurting me every time that we went anywhere. And because of that...she didn't want to go. And she cried and started to yell...
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Innovative Tutors
Yep, I am back and with another great blurb. I want to say that I wasn't going to take this oppertunity (paid posts are called opportunities at PayPerPost), but after it came up a third time I wanted to look into it. I am not saying that I have anything against Tutors (I did it in High School), but I just didn't want to advertise for a tutor that I had never used. This time I looked into it (hey I don't have many "opportunities" come across my desk. What I found was a few things that make this something I was willing to advertise. First of all...SCORE! Education Centers are owned by Kaplan , a well known and respected education corporation (I don't know if they are a corporation or not, but it certainly sounds good). I first came across Kaplan while studying for the SAT's. They have a wide variety of free resources as well as ones that can be purchased, and their material is good! Knowing that gives SCORE an extra point in my book. Aditionally SCORE! has been around since 1992, which is a decent amount of time. They aren't just popping up and disappearing. Next, I reviewed some of their programs. They really do their homework, your child gets help with what he or she really needs help with. They can help your child keep up, catch up, and get ahead. What can be better then that? Innovative Tutor are always a good thing and what is really going to help a child. They also offer tutoring for a wide variety of ages (K through 10th grade).
While it may seem a bit early for me to be thinking about education and looking at what is out there...I think it is never too early. Marcus is 13 months, and it will be awhile before any formal education becomes an issue, it is such an important issue that my husband and I have been talking about it lately, a talk that will continue for years to come. Education is one of the most important issues in a child's life. Learning to learn and learning to love learning are important and will effect the rest of a child's life and future. These skills go beyond education as a system and into education as a lifestyle, which is what it sounds like SCORE! will help your child do (or mine).
Anyway...As always...thanks for tunning into to my paid post...that's all for now...signing off...
37. Yesterday
Yesterday was one of those days. I felt good. I felt really good, which was a good thing because the day before I had felt really bad, really really bad. Anyhow, I felt good (which was good for a different reason, I forgot we were helping friends move after work).
Me feeling good meant that my mom wanted to do something. Feeling bad that she is often stuck at home and knowing how she feels (though I am not here as much as she is and I have more to do while I am here, I still feel sympathy for her and there have been times when I have been much more stuck here then recently). She wanted to go and pick up a few items from the store which is just up the block. She wanted me to push her (and the baby) in her wheelchair. While this often hurts me and never feels that great, I agreed. I was looking for an easier route when it happened. One of those horrifying could have ended terribly wrong types of events. We were going along when we came to a place in the sidewalk that we could not just roll over. I pushed nice and fast so that we could get on the grass and go around this place. Unbeknown to me however was that right where I was leaving the sidewalk and entering the lawn was a large whole that was covered by overgrown ground cover. The front wheel went in this whole, the baby went flying, mom went down, and the momentum tried to pull me and the chair on them both. It could have ended really badly. Mom could have crushed the baby. Both of them could have broken something. Thank goodness sore was all that happened. Though it shook all of us up real good.
I didn't know whether to tell this story just as the freak accident that it was or to number it as one of the things I hate about living with my mom. I decided to number it, because she wants me to risk life and limb (a bit of an exaggeration on most days) to take her out. I think I have complained about this before, but I must say it is a lot of work for me and very time consuming to take her out in such a way. If/when we have a second car...it will be no big deal, but for now it is a pretty big deal and can end in scary ways. We did not make it to the store yesterday. Having been all shaken up we just went home.
Well...till next time.
Me feeling good meant that my mom wanted to do something. Feeling bad that she is often stuck at home and knowing how she feels (though I am not here as much as she is and I have more to do while I am here, I still feel sympathy for her and there have been times when I have been much more stuck here then recently). She wanted to go and pick up a few items from the store which is just up the block. She wanted me to push her (and the baby) in her wheelchair. While this often hurts me and never feels that great, I agreed. I was looking for an easier route when it happened. One of those horrifying could have ended terribly wrong types of events. We were going along when we came to a place in the sidewalk that we could not just roll over. I pushed nice and fast so that we could get on the grass and go around this place. Unbeknown to me however was that right where I was leaving the sidewalk and entering the lawn was a large whole that was covered by overgrown ground cover. The front wheel went in this whole, the baby went flying, mom went down, and the momentum tried to pull me and the chair on them both. It could have ended really badly. Mom could have crushed the baby. Both of them could have broken something. Thank goodness sore was all that happened. Though it shook all of us up real good.
I didn't know whether to tell this story just as the freak accident that it was or to number it as one of the things I hate about living with my mom. I decided to number it, because she wants me to risk life and limb (a bit of an exaggeration on most days) to take her out. I think I have complained about this before, but I must say it is a lot of work for me and very time consuming to take her out in such a way. If/when we have a second car...it will be no big deal, but for now it is a pretty big deal and can end in scary ways. We did not make it to the store yesterday. Having been all shaken up we just went home.
Well...till next time.
Digital Cameras
Photography has become a huge part of our lives. The 35mm became popular making photography something affordable and easy for everyone to do. But nothing has made family photography more fun and exciting then the digital camera. The digital camera opened the door to more options then we could ever have thought possible. Photo sharing became something easy for everyone and anyone to do. We upload our photos and send them off to friends and families. We can print them out in the ease and comfort of our homes. We can still get quality photos for inexpensive prices at a variety of locations, although now we can upload them to online locations and have our prints mailed to our door (all from the comfort of our pajamas).
I can't imagine life without a digital camera. Actually I can, it sucks, I know. Our batter got lost in our move. I am actually saving right now to buy a new Kodak Easy Share, I have been borrowing my father-in-laws and for t
he price it is a fa nominal camera. Very easy for anyone to use, small but not too small (you can still see it), and it has lots of great options (I can't wait to upload a few short clips and see how the video is on it).
Digital cameras are the type of thing that can be used any time and any place, one of the great things about them. I often enjoy an afternoon snapping pictures and have even used it to entertain my grumpy son (who is now 13 months old, we have been
playing this game for awhile). There isn't an end to possibilities though. 
My brother-in-law takes wonderful award winning pictures with his inexpensive digital camera. He is amazingly good! But anyhow...I could go on...but I won't.
Oh, yes I will...just a second longer...The new digital photo frame is a great idea...I can't wait to get one of my own!
This has been a paid post (although I love getting paid to say stuff that I would have enjoyed saying anyway)...thank you for tunning in...till next time...
I can't imagine life without a digital camera. Actually I can, it sucks, I know. Our batter got lost in our move. I am actually saving right now to buy a new Kodak Easy Share, I have been borrowing my father-in-laws and for t

Digital cameras are the type of thing that can be used any time and any place, one of the great things about them. I often enjoy an afternoon snapping pictures and have even used it to entertain my grumpy son (who is now 13 months old, we have been

My brother-in-law takes wonderful award winning pictures with his inexpensive digital camera. He is amazingly good! But anyhow...I could go on...but I won't.
Oh, yes I will...just a second longer...The new digital photo frame is a great idea...I can't wait to get one of my own!
This has been a paid post (although I love getting paid to say stuff that I would have enjoyed saying anyway)...thank you for tunning in...till next time...
36. The Candy
I am not sure the whole story, as I have only heard it from one side. But the other day I heard my mom telling Marcus something along the lines of, "Don't tell your daddy or he will take it away." It made me mad; I feel like she is working toward making our son into a sneak. Albiet at 13 months it hasn't happened yet, but if she continued she would condition him into that. I am not sure that she thinks about such things.
I laughed, "What are you talking about?" She proceeded to tell me the following story:
I don't know what happened, nor do I know why Peter took the candy away from Marcus (or for that matter if he even really did, since Marcus puts tons of things in his mouth and often has to have stuff taken out of it. But it made me mad. Here she is telling him to keep secrets from his parents, sneak candy, and next will come lying!
I laughed, "What are you talking about?" She proceeded to tell me the following story:
The other day I watched Peter take away a piece of candy from Marcus. I knew that he was intentionally taking it away because I had told him that I had given Marcus the candy. But he didn't care that I had given it to him and he took it right out of his mouth.
I don't know what happened, nor do I know why Peter took the candy away from Marcus (or for that matter if he even really did, since Marcus puts tons of things in his mouth and often has to have stuff taken out of it. But it made me mad. Here she is telling him to keep secrets from his parents, sneak candy, and next will come lying!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Baby Time
While this post would fit in better on The Mommy Page it is still a good post. Everyone needs to buy baby stuff once and a while (okay, maybe not everyone, but they should if they know a parent to be). I love baby shopping and finding new and cute stuff. Especially stuff that is a little different or a little better or just a hair cuter. Hollingtons has a great selection of beautiful items. High quality and cute and some even beautiful items all easy to reach and wonderful to buy. Gift hunting can be a true joy, if you know a baby on it's way or one recently arrived...check it out. If you are like me who just loves to look at baby stuff and is constantly window shopping...check it out. I had never heard of them before, maybe you haven't either...if that is the case...check it out!
This is a paid advertisement.
This is a paid advertisement.
They say that hate can only come from love. I don't know that that is true. Hate can be taught and brought on by fear. But if anything can be said about hate arriving from love, maybe it is that the most painful of hate comes from love.
I fear that I hate my mom. Or that I will hate her. She had an option she wouldn't consider. One that would have left her better off and us out of the equation. She could have stayed in her apartment in Grand Rapids. A place where most of her rent was paid, she had insurence though not good insurance, and some friends. Instead she said that wasn't an option. She hated the kids in her neighborhood (too noisy), she couldn't walk the stairs, and she couldn't do it anymore on her own. But I think she could have. It would have been easier for all of us. She would still have all the stuff she mourns. We could have moved to Texas earlier. I think about these things and it certainly doesn't make anything any better, but I can't stop thinking about them.
I wonder will I know if I hate my mom? Oh I am sure that at least part of me will always lover her. I know that I still love her, but what about hate?
I fear that I hate my mom. Or that I will hate her. She had an option she wouldn't consider. One that would have left her better off and us out of the equation. She could have stayed in her apartment in Grand Rapids. A place where most of her rent was paid, she had insurence though not good insurance, and some friends. Instead she said that wasn't an option. She hated the kids in her neighborhood (too noisy), she couldn't walk the stairs, and she couldn't do it anymore on her own. But I think she could have. It would have been easier for all of us. She would still have all the stuff she mourns. We could have moved to Texas earlier. I think about these things and it certainly doesn't make anything any better, but I can't stop thinking about them.
I wonder will I know if I hate my mom? Oh I am sure that at least part of me will always lover her. I know that I still love her, but what about hate?
Monday, September 3, 2007
35. The Phone
She is on the phone a lot. I keep fearing she will go over our minutes. I don't know what she talks about since she does so little, but she talks about 10 times more then my husband and I combined! She keeps asking me to add people to our "My Circle" but I don't have the pass word. I know if she goes over she will blame it on me. "Well, you didn't add so and so and this and that person." Last I checked she had 7 of 10 with people she had to have on there and that isn't including my brother who doesn't ever call me and keeps our talks short when I call him. All 10 of those names belong to the three of us, but we only get three spots? How is that fair? And it isn't like she pays any of the phone bill!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
34. TV
I enjoy TV. It is true. There have even been times in my life that the TV was on a lot, mostly as background noise. However, when I write I usually do so with no noise, a radio or country music if anything, My mom has the TV on all day, and sometimes late into the night. It doesn't matter if she is in her room or sitting at the dinning room table, you can still hear her TV in her room. There are nights we can hear it through both her door and ours.
On top of it all. She complains when the neighbors are loud and even makes us go up there and ask them to turn down their TV!
On top of it all. She complains when the neighbors are loud and even makes us go up there and ask them to turn down their TV!
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