Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I Been Thinking

I have been thinking a lot lately about how much space we would have should my mom move out. It would give us space in the living room where her wheelchair and walker currently abide. It would give us a linen closet, a nice sized bathroom (the "master bath" is ridiculously small and the idea of potty training Marcus in there makes me squirm since there isn't any floor space), the 12' by 12' bedroom would be Marcus' (and a new baby should we have one), we would get our closet, we could use part of Marcus' closet as our craft space. Everything would then have a home! Now it doesn't. I struggle to find a place for everything.

Of course when I think of this I then feel guilty for wishing my mom out. I don't know if this situation will ever be one that works for me. I hate things that happen while she is here and I feel bad that I wish she would leave, and guilty, and errrrrrrr.

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