Thursday, August 16, 2007

Blog Roll

We are doing a quick blog roll for all of you-

As of right this second, these are our blogs and our website. If you are interested in reading more of our works...

Our Website-Our website is a non-traditional conglomerate of everything that we enjoy and think about...okay well not everything, but someday it will be everything. Right now it isn't. But you should still have a look-see, you might find something that interests you.

Our Blogs-
The Boring Recount of My Dull Life-Have you heard the story? Seen the movie? Not yet, huh...well you can start with the blog...who knows, maybe I will be famous some day, and you can say, hey, I used to read her blog!

Thought Provokers-You know, there just aren't enough thinkers in the world. Those of us who like to think...don't do it enough! Here are our thought provokers.

1001 Things I Hate about Living with My Mom-Nothing like a good catchy title. My mom has moved in with us, and is driving me crazy!

The Fattest Diary-I am trying to loose weight and more importantly get healthy, it sucks. If you could possibly understand, here's the blog for you.

Beautiful Beads-I love working with beads, and this is for all those who might love it or already love it too!

Zero to Six-This is our newest blog, about how we went from nothing to something. Of course we have to make it to something still...but see our struggles, see our faith, see our progress.

The Mommy Page-All mommy's have a busy life. Here is where I share about mine, as well as things I have been thinking about.

The Sign Language Blog-Last but not Least is the Sign Language blog, here I will be sharing about sign language, the deaf, the Deaf culture, history of the d/Deaf, and hearing loss with you. It is a fascinating topic.

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