Saturday, August 25, 2007

31. Work, work, work and no thanks

My mom doesn't want to be left behind. That is completely understandable. I understand that she needs to get out and that sunshine and moving around do her a great deal of good. However, it is so much work for me, and with no thanks to boot. Yesterday she wanted to go to Hobby Lobby with us. Which I understand (I love that store). We were walking; it is only a block and not hard to walk it. My friend, Tanya (is down from Michigan) had her three month old daughter in the big stroller and when we have walked places in the past I have thrown Marcus in the umbrella stroller. So, it is all easy. But with mom coming it means she goes in the wheelchair and Marcus goes on her lap and I am pushing three hundred pounds up the block. Which I did, but it was a lot of work, which she didn't thank me for!

The day before that I took her with us to the pool. This puts us on her time frame, we have to leave when she wants to leave. I pushed her there (which isn't hard till we get to the stair that we have to go around). Then I helped her down the stairs (a little painful cause she uses my shoulder). Then we went swimming, got out (again the shoulder), sat in the sun for two minutes and she complained that she was burning and we had to leave right away. So, home we went.

The tale of my life.

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