Thursday, August 23, 2007

30. Everything under the sun and moon

Today (and it is only one pm) I have a whole list of reasons that I hate living with my mom. Most of which I have complanined about before, but they seem to be compounded today.

1) She has been complaining a lot.
2)She has already asked, "what's for dinner" three times.
3) She wants all the dirty dishes from my room right now so she can wash them so that I can take care of them before I make lunch.
4) By the way, "What's for lunch".
5) She finished off my husbands cranberries and my baby's prunes. She finished off the dried pinapple ages ago, as well as all the fresh fruit. So, that has been what we have been eating for fruit for a couple of weeks now. (The fresh fruit was supposed to last two weeks it lasted about three days, Marcus (my one year old) got two pieces, my husband one, and me, parts of Marcus', she ate the rest.

I just wish...she lived 1400 miles away (back in Michigan) so I could live my life, have privacy again, not have the baby sleeping in my room, and such.

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