Friday, August 31, 2007

33.I am Jealous!

It isn't something I am proud of. It isn't something that I even really like to admit, but it is the truth. I am jealous of my mom. In more then one way. The biggest of these ways is her relationship to Marcus (my son). She can listen to him fuss. Can hear me try and entertain him and play with him for hours. Can come out of her room and scoop him up and have him be sweet for her. Top it all off she will say something like, "is your mommy not playing with you?" When I had been trying to for two hours! It doesn't matter if he is completely tired and refusing to sleep, she has the magic touch.

The second thing I am jealous of is her lack of responsibility. I know this one is really pathetic. But she will tell me to not be tired all the time and that I sleep too much (of course she doesn't see me trying to get things done for the day on the computer at five in the morning). But she sleeps the day and the night away. She sleeps whenever she can (sometimes it is hard for her to sleep and she is up all night), but she doesn't have any responsibilities so she can sleep all day and all night or whenever. Of course, I love Marcus, but sometimes it erks me when she says that I sleep too much or such because the responsibilities I have really give me a strict sleeping schedule. It isn't like I can say I am tired and going to bed even though it is only seven at night. Nope I have to get Marcus to bed and spend time with my husband and will be up till ten or ten thirty (I used to laugh at people who went to bed at ten, but now we get up at four thirty so that makes ten late!).


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