Monday, November 26, 2007

What to Do?

My husband told me that he believed my mom could get a job. I doubted it, thinking that she couldn't control when she had a good day and when she had a bad making it impossible to hold down a job. Then she worked hard for four days in a row and that made me wonder. Could she really get a job? Something like a Walmart greeter or some other job where working hard doesn't necessarily involve standing, walking, or other physical activity a lot.

The answer is yes. Probably. Then the questions become more complicated. I know it is bad to wonder this, but I wonder how many issues that my mom has are just in her head. The brain is so powerful that we can make ourselves sick with our thoughts and beliefs. Has my mom done this? Has she gotten so depressed, so sick of the world that she hurts?

Then my fear becomes, "what if the judge things she can work?" She doesn't believe it and isn't going to believe it. Which means that right now, no matter what she won't be getting a job. Which means that she would be stuck here if she doesn't get disability.

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