Sippy Cups are a mom's best friend? Well I don't know if that is how it works, but here is what has happened. My mom moved in as Marcus was switching to a cup (he used some times) and a sippy cup (which he used some times). She threw a fit about that sippy cup saying I was hindering his abilities and he was smarter then that, and all kinds of stuff.
In other words she trapped me into having to make sure he had help for a cup all the time. After six months I have reintroduced a sippy cup. After all he can take it with us. He can use it on the floor. And it can be set in a place where he can help himself to a drink when he is thirsty. It isn't full of juice very often. It sometimes has milk, but is usually just water. He happily drinks the water.
She still throws a fit. After all, this means he doesn't drink out of a glass by himself. Or does it? Well, he gets a tad confused when he drinks from a straw by himself, sometimes trying to tip the cup (especially if he isn't getting anything). However, for the most part he can drink from a cup (without a sippy attachment), he can drink from a straw, and from the sippy cup. So, to me he doesn't seem overly hindered.
But what do I know? I am just his mom.
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