Thursday, November 1, 2007


Fair is one of those words we used a lot as a kid, back when we still thought life should be fair and we whined with the hope that we could some how change the things in life that weren't fair. My mom was one of those who championed the phrase, "well, life just isn't fair, now is it." I hated that. I hated having it rubbed in my face that life sucked.

Today, I want to be that little kid again. I want to whine and cry about how life isn't fair. I know that's ridiculous, after all I do visit reality occasionally. But gee wiz couldn't we find a way to even things out for everyone? Like the automobile issue. American standard says a two parent family should have two cars. Why is it then that there are families with two drivers and three cars, or three drivers and four cars? But then, those who have worked hard to make something would feel that it was unfair to redistribute.

Ah, life. Why do we bother having the English word "fair"?

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