Wednesday, November 7, 2007

69. Space

Space is an issue around here. Living in a two bedroom with three adults and a fifteen month old makes it for tight headquarters. Our room is like a mini apartment that is closing in on us. After all the baby sleeps in our walk in closet, so we had to buy a wardrobe. Mom's wheelchair, walker, and rat take up a large space in the living room, which means that the desk is in here. We have a tv in here because we were afraid that having one in the living room meant having one on all the time. Our tv doesn't get any channels and is used for movie watching and game playing alone. Our full size bed takes up the last remaining wall and there is a few feet in the middle. Next weekend we are moving a dresser in here to try and help with out storage needs and have a place to put things that keeps the baby out of them.

My mom has the bathroom (we have a little tiny bathroom here in the master bath), plus a walk in closet, and a bedroom (12 x 12). Then there is the linen closet, a few things in the outdoor storage, most of the cupboards in the kitchen, and of course the space in the living room. When she moves out our two bedroom, two bath, 1000 Square feet apartment will feel huge! Well, maybe not huge, but big none the less.

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