Thursday, November 29, 2007
Gifts, Gifts...and Microscopes!
Okay, well that's a good start. But ads don't always show the big deal (at least not without that announcer voice and the BIG words (such as FREE which is supposed to be a great word to say in an ad). The big deal is OpticsPlanet. They place to buy so many cool items. For me the science aspect of OpticsPlanet piqued my interest. I thought wow, a microscope for under fifty dollars! And not just one of those cheap wanna be kits that have the plastic "I wish I were a real microscope" scopes in them. Then there are telescopes. And my heart beats faster and faster.
But stepping back we can say, "think Christmas, Think Christmas." Who's on your list? A dad? That would be one of many great flashlights. Or is he a hunter needing a good scope? Or do you have a classy lady who wants a great pair of sunglasses? Well, whatever your needs they can be found at OpticsPlanet. Why buy from OpticsPlanet? How about great prices, free shipping on purchases over 29.95, or better yet, theres a guarantee! Don't take my word for it, go there and check out there Gift Guide and find something for everyone on your list!
This has been a sponsored post. Thank you for tuning in! Have a great day!
81. Half Jar of Peanut Butter
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Even with a spectacular job with Pirates of the Caribbean and his role as Captain Jack Sparrow, there are other Depp movies worth mentioning. He has played some fantastic roles. My second favorite is his role as Sir James Matthew Barrie in Finding Neverland. It was here that he played a solemn distant type man, who connected with children and opened up in his search for Neverland. Even now I think about all the other Depp movies I have enjoyed and the characters he has brought to life for us. Edward Scissorhands follows Finding Neverland very closely as one of my favorites.
Of course this Christmas we get to see Johnny Depp in another of Tim Burton's movies. Tim Burton brings creepy and wonderful into an interesting and fantastic blend. Add Depp (as was done with A Corpse Bride) and you have a movie that can't be forgotten. This time Depp will be playing Sweeney Todd-The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. Visit the official Sweeney Todd movie site for more information, movie trailers, and updates! Of course, it gets better then that, because you can visit Sweeney Todd on MySpace.
80. Walked in On
I have no idea how far this will get, but I do know that with my brothers, I will not be able to live it down. We put a hook and eye on the door so we could keep Marcus out when one parent was in the room sleeping in or working on the computer and the other was in the living room with him. I think it is time we use it for more then just keeping Marcus out!
Hotels, Motels, and...
Here is a website that is easy to navigate and will help you make Hotel Reservations, find motels, inns, and even vacation rentals! They find the most competitive prices to work with and offer you all the information you need to make a wise decision to make your next trip the best that it can be. They also have discounts on world wide destinations. It doesn't matter where you are going, Hotel Reservations is the place to book your housing while you are there!
This has been a sponsored post. Thank you for stopping by and for tuning in!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
79. Turkey Carcass
Monday, November 26, 2007
What to Do?
The answer is yes. Probably. Then the questions become more complicated. I know it is bad to wonder this, but I wonder how many issues that my mom has are just in her head. The brain is so powerful that we can make ourselves sick with our thoughts and beliefs. Has my mom done this? Has she gotten so depressed, so sick of the world that she hurts?
Then my fear becomes, "what if the judge things she can work?" She doesn't believe it and isn't going to believe it. Which means that right now, no matter what she won't be getting a job. Which means that she would be stuck here if she doesn't get disability.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Anyway. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving day! I also hope that your holidays will be bright and that the year will round out just as you hoped it would.
Thanks for coming back to read my stuff. Thanks for everything!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
My biggest fear at this point is that she will be with us for a long time. I know that she doesn't really want to leave. She says that she doesn't really have very many issues about living with us. I don't know if that is true, or if it just feels safer here, or if she just likes the idea of her money going farther (after all if she paid to live here it would be cheaper then living on her own). I just don't want there to be any issues. I wish it were all peaceful. I wish that it would work out that she could live with us, but that just means more of this and of that. I wish that I could handle it. If I could handle it then Peter would.
But inside me is this panic that knows I can't handle it. I have so many issues. I don't know if it sis something that I could change or not. Definitely not if we remained in a tiny two bedroom apartment. But I feel this panic inside that says, what if she doesn't get her disability and she is stuck here forever? What then?
Monday, November 19, 2007
Car Insurance That Costs U Less
This has been a sponsored post. Thank you for stopping by and have a great day. (And don't forget to find out how much you can save at Cost U Less).
78. Grandma Knows Best?
Well, he hasn't thrown up in four hours and he is acting ready for a nap, but much better then he was. I would say that I did a decent job. But then I guess that's just me.
Expanding Your Space
Your house is feeling crowded, you don't have the space you need for your getaway type of feeling. Why not escape to the garden? There you can have your office, gym, or other getaway type of room. How? (I am asking for you since that is the question I had). Now you can have it with a beautiful, high quality garden building in the size you need to fit your purposes.
These garden offices or gyms or whatever you can think of to make it into (hot tub anyone) are beautiful. They are high quality (you can even find their specs listed on the website. They are extremely functional, and make a wonderful way to go. They add space, give you a retreat that is better then the house can offer, and allow you a wide variety of options.
The Garden Escape's website is fairly easy to navigate. It is a little frustrating to have to use the down arrows when their should be a way to have a longer page. It is however very informative, providing a lot of information to potential buyers, and aesthetically pleasing.
No matter what your retreat or getaway needs are, The Garden Escape can meet them. You can work to get the perfect look, the perfect size, and include whatever you need (even plumbing for saunas, hot tubs, or great bathrooms!)
This has been a sponsored post, thanks for stopping by and have a great day.
77. Sippy Cups
Sippy Cups are a mom's best friend? Well I don't know if that is how it works, but here is what has happened. My mom moved in as Marcus was switching to a cup (he used some times) and a sippy cup (which he used some times). She threw a fit about that sippy cup saying I was hindering his abilities and he was smarter then that, and all kinds of stuff.
In other words she trapped me into having to make sure he had help for a cup all the time. After six months I have reintroduced a sippy cup. After all he can take it with us. He can use it on the floor. And it can be set in a place where he can help himself to a drink when he is thirsty. It isn't full of juice very often. It sometimes has milk, but is usually just water. He happily drinks the water.
She still throws a fit. After all, this means he doesn't drink out of a glass by himself. Or does it? Well, he gets a tad confused when he drinks from a straw by himself, sometimes trying to tip the cup (especially if he isn't getting anything). However, for the most part he can drink from a cup (without a sippy attachment), he can drink from a straw, and from the sippy cup. So, to me he doesn't seem overly hindered.
But what do I know? I am just his mom.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Completely Different Totally Awesome
Or, you could decorate a cake with these awesome color flame candles that actually produce colored flames in red, orange, purple, blue,and more! You could also give these as part of a gift for decorating birthday cakes or other special occasion cakes.
I must say, even if you aren't interested in shopping for unique and completely different gifts this site is fun to look around. They have all kinds of neat things. Just check out this Fotofalls Desktop Photo and Note Tree. They even have some things that are more useful (and a tad bit less fun), such as this coffee scoop that scoops your coffee with one side and closes the bag with the clip on the other side, now you have an easy way to keep your gourmet coffee!
Well, I need to stop playing around and get to bed. This has been a sponsored post, brought to you by a great and fun website (at least I had fun!). Thanks for tuning in and have a great one!
76. Even When She Gets Exactly What She Wants...
The whole time she complained about their sauce and how she didn't like it. All the way home she complained about it, after all it had some ingredient that she didn't like. Well, gee wiz. What now? Even when she gets what she wants, she still complains.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Are You Thinking Christmas Yet?
I particularly like number six. Which is Amaryllis bulbs from a nursery. First of all growing these flowers can be so much fun. When they grow flowers they are beautiful, and this bulb being from a nursery makes it more likely to be old enough and healthy enough to have flowers without all the work of trying to nurture them into existence or waiting for a couple of years (which requires knowing how to take care of them between growing seasons).
Well, whatever it is that you like to give. You should check out the Top 10 Christmas Gifts if only for a laugh and some great brainstorming ideas.
This has been a sponsored post. Thank you for stopping by and have a great day!
75. Potty Training
My son is 16 months. He is just starting to talk and to toddle around. Well, my mom thinks it is now time to start potty training with him. Get him a little potty so he can practice and follow me into the bathroom and work with him from there. But there is a huge (HUGE) problem with that idea. We don't have a full size bathroom. My mom has that one. We have the master which is more like a small closet with a toilet and a tub in it (the sink is in our bedroom). There is no place for a “potty” for Marcus. There is no place for a small trash can or anything like that. So, unless she wants the baby going in her bathroom, then I am not sure what she expects me to do!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
74. The Heat
Where to find a balance? There is no such thing when there are two masters to a home. She won't give up that title even though she is now in our home. She doesn't respect me or Peter which means that she wants it her way, no matter what.
A Lifetime of Savings
This has been a sponsored post, brought to you by the site with the great coupons! Why delay? Check them out today? (I would say I really do deserve to be paid for this stuff! But none the less, it is a great way to save money). Have a great day and save some money while you are at it!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
73. The Shower
It just feels expensive. Like we could have three people showering. We would have to stop showering to balance it all out. Three adults, three daily showers. If three were the max then my mom could take her three showers and my husband and I could skip them. On the day that she takes only two that's the day one of us can get clean. This of course would be a much smellier policy!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
They will let you post all of the posts that you can in one day (or more then one day). And you can submit up to five blogs to do this on. Their system is one that is easy to use and easy to understand! So, if you are looking to make money, and willing to be patient while you help Bloggerwave grow, here is a great place to be! bloggerwave
Saturday, November 10, 2007
72. We Never Take Her Places
71. Where Have You Been?
She would say yes. After all that means she didn't get to eat out and we did. She thinks that she should always get to when we do. I miss family being me and my husband and our son. I don't know if that is just me being selfish, it probably is, but sometimes it would be nice. Nice and easier.
So, where have you been?
Friday, November 9, 2007
70. The Kitchen
I think it is wonderful that she wants to help. But there are other things she could do which wouldn't make it feel like the mess is growing out of proportions and taking over the space I need to work in. It was completely frustrating.
But then sometimes it feels that that is how she forces me to do what she wants, since she had already asked when I was going to do the dishes (twice). This way they get done. They have to get done (they are piled up everywhere waiting o go in the dishwasher.
Anyway...just till (March?!?).
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Michigan to Wisconsing 3am
Of course that fog was nothing compared to what the people in Stephen King's new movie have to face. The Mist by Stephen King is coming out. The characters in this movie really do have to survive the fog (or mist if you wish) and they have to fight through it in order to do that. The Mist is full of unworldly creatures that attack.
Being a Stephen King fan (and one who just enjoys horror movies) I was excited to see this new trailer. You should check out the trailer, and of course the movie! Enjoy a night out with someone who's hand you can hold!
69. Space
My mom has the bathroom (we have a little tiny bathroom here in the master bath), plus a walk in closet, and a bedroom (12 x 12). Then there is the linen closet, a few things in the outdoor storage, most of the cupboards in the kitchen, and of course the space in the living room. When she moves out our two bedroom, two bath, 1000 Square feet apartment will feel huge! Well, maybe not huge, but big none the less.
Becoming a New York Bestselling Author
John Kremer has the answer. He has a system to get any author on the big list, you know the one (the New York Bestsellers list). His system provides lots of information and proven success to many others. With this system you can become the author who makes it big, who writes a lot of books, who is known. Go from peddling your works, to making it big (and full time)!
His system provides:
Taped reproductions of two very important teleseminars giving you a lot of information that you can go over again and again.
A step by step document telling you everything you need to do to become a best seller.
A down loadable audio talk.
700 Independent bookstores datafiles.
And More! More to make your dreams come true. More to make it all work for you! It could be that simple! But of course, don't take my word for it. Check it out and find out for yourself!
This has been a sponsored post. Thank you for tuning in, have a great day, and don't forget to check out the website that will show you how to get on the Best Sellers list!
An Update
This does a few things. First, if mom stays around here I can help make sure she is all right. If Joel comes down then him and Mari can help me do that and it would be a sharing of the responsibility, which sounds wonderful. No matter what issues I have with my mom, and particularly what issues I have with her living here, this isn't quite the same as having issues with her all together.
I really miss having her as my friend, which would be something that I could do more easily if I could go visit her or she could visit me. Maybe life will turn out all right after all?
Being young (24) I can say this and still remember it. I had great teeth with no issues growing up, all through junior high and high school. Then it happened. When I was nineteen the dentist filled my first cavity. To this day that is the only cavity I have had, but it has caused me pain and a few other issues. The biggest issue is the fact that since it has been filled it (and seemingly the teeth around it) are very sensitive to hot and/or cold. It has been something that I have never fixed, after all the few sensitive toothpastes I have used have never worked. I have even tried this mouth wash that I found once, which tasted horrible and didn't seem to do anything.
It has been a week since I received Biotene Sensitive in the mail. In that weeks time I have discovered a lot of things. First of all (and something really near to my heart) this tooth product (it is rather liquidy) doesn't taste bad. Second of all (and truly more important) it works. If I would have had it five years ago then I wouldn't be here to tell you that my sensitivity has drastically gone down in just one week. Plus this product leaves your mouth feeling squeaky clean and overall great.
Biotene does't just mask the problems either, it really truly resolves them. Their one of a kind formula actually resolves sensitivity issues! Plus it fights cavities and includes ingredients that resolve dry mouth. This will change the way you look at sensitive toothpaste forever!
One last note, my mom has been trying it along with me and she likes it even more then I do. She has a dry mouth problem and really super sensitive teeth. Yesterday she had a milkshake without the pain! Plus, no more dry mouth!
68. The Weather
I love the idea of having an entire month off from the electricity bill being over 100 dollars. But this means that when it gets up to 89 during the day it is warm in here and when it gets down in the 30's at night it gets a little cold in here. She would like to see us turn the air on when it is warm and the heat on when it is cold. How frustrating is that? After all, we come from Michigan and it being 68 in here (which I can point out isn't very far from it being 75 with the air on) is plenty warm enough!
Monday, November 5, 2007
The Time is Running Toward Us
Black Friday is a great time to prepare for all of the holiday rushes, and what better way to do it then to save money, and do your Black Friday shopping all at home in the comfort and convince of your pajamas. will let you do just that. You can start preparing for the sales right now. Figuring out what you need, who you are buying for, and how you can put the biggest sales day of the year to great use.
I know I am...After all with eight brother and my own family...we have a great need for savings!
This has been a sponsored post, brought to you by the place where you can save a bundle! Thanks for stopping by and I hope that you have a great day!
67. Insults 101
I don't know why I can't get her voice out of my head. No matter what, I just feel trapped. Trapped in this hell. My husband is always upset because he doesn't feel like he is in control, my mom is always coming to me about things that she should be going to him about, and top it all of she thinks I am a bad mom.
It makes me wish....
Taking It Higher Then Ever Before
Thank you for stopping by, and for checking out out sponsored post. We will be bringing you more posts (both sponsored and true to the heart) soon, so stop by and check us out again. Thanks, and have a great day!
66. Charlie
Charlie then got a new cage, and was separated from the girls. I called around and found out that getting him "fixed" so he could move in with my girls was going to be about $125. I paid three dollars for the rat, and we didn't have enough to spend that much on him. My mom took him. Charlie became her rat.
So, why are we talking about him now? He is here, in our living room. He is one of the sweetest rats I have ever met. Loving and calm. He loves my fifteen month old son, is gentle and sweet with him (even when he pulls the treats away). I have tried to avoid becoming attached to him. After all he isn't my rat anymore. But she hasn't been taking care of him regularly. She has been allowing him to be passed over on days that she doesn't feel well. She has been skipping feeding, changing his bedding, and even spending time with him! I don't want to do it, him becoming attached to me and me to him only to have him move out, but what choice do I have?
Friday, November 2, 2007
Metal Cabinets In Your Kitchen?
The first thought that comes to mind is horror. Why would one do that to the kitchen? A place where warmth is something that you seek? A place where you will undoubtedly spend a good portion of your at home time (whether cooking, nuking in the microwave, or hunting through the refrigerator). Now I have been to and they have some great storage options and great garage options, however I am still doubtful about putting the cabinets in the kitchen. It is true, they are strong, come in a wide variety of finishes, and even in colors. But to make them feel warm and homey isn't going to be easy. Plus matching them to a counter top, flooring, appliances, and curtains is going to be way harder then any kitchen remodel that I have ever seen.
On the other hand, there are some really nice options here. Check out these, they might look nice in a modern kitchen.
There would be only one other issue. If one chooses to go with nice metal cabinets in their kitchen (instead of in their garage), what does this do to the resale value of a home. Usually your kitchen is one of the better selling points (if you have a good one) or one of your bigger hurting points (if it is a terrible one). Making the choice to add metal cabinets might be a big downer on your homes value. I would definitely want to know that one before deciding on anything this untraditional.
This has been a sponsored post from (a place where everyone is welcome including the ladies, a place where storage needs and garage needs can be easily solved). Thank you for visiting, and come back again some time soon. Have a great day!
65. Dealing
It is the fact that it bothers my husband so. It wouldn't be bad if he didn't care. But because she has no respect for him or that this is his household or that he works hard for his money (which she likes to spend so regularly). It makes him depressed and moody. He wishes he wouldn't have let her come here in the first place. She had a doctor, insurance of a sort (getting her more medical help then she has been), and an apartment. She had a housing grant that paid all but thirteen dollars of her rent. If only we had found a way for her to stay there. Of course her utilities were expensive and she had no money. But had she stayed there we wouldn't be having all the issues we are having now. Of course in Michigan she wouldn't have seen a judge yet, but at least she wouldn't be struggling to see a doctor, trying to get help, and living off of us in such a way that it puts pressure and strain on my young marriage.
Maybe it is the item that will strengthen us for all time. Both of us walked into this marriage believing that divorce wasn't a real option. No matter what it was a tooth and nail fight to the finish. Divorce is the easy out, and when we said our vows, we didn't think there ever would be an out. Two years later, one kid later, three states later, and seven months down with my mom as part of our household we still feel the same way. there is something to be said when the vows we took, hold through this. And of course, there is the fact that once you have gone through a few rough "snow storms" nothing can faze you.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Lap Band
This has been a sponsored post, thank you for visiting, please come again and have a great day!
Today, I want to be that little kid again. I want to whine and cry about how life isn't fair. I know that's ridiculous, after all I do visit reality occasionally. But gee wiz couldn't we find a way to even things out for everyone? Like the automobile issue. American standard says a two parent family should have two cars. Why is it then that there are families with two drivers and three cars, or three drivers and four cars? But then, those who have worked hard to make something would feel that it was unfair to redistribute.
Ah, life. Why do we bother having the English word "fair"?
The Right Price
This has been a sponsored post, thank you for tuning in, and have a great day.
- New price saving site launches to save Brits up to 20% this Christmas -
As the nation approaches the final countdown to Christmas, new research rings alarm bells over the financial impact of Christmas in credit crunch Britain. The research from the new money saving website reveals that as Brits prepare for Christmas, many are still paying off last year’s festive spending.
With 41 per cent of Britons paying for Christmas on credit last year, almost one in five are still paying for last year’s festivities (17%), fewer than one in three having cleared their Christmas debts when their January credit card bill arrived (29%).
Following a year of consumer confidence in 2006, Christmas spending soared 52 per cent in two years (from an average £548 per adult in 2004* to £837 per adult in 2006), with over one in five Brits spending over £1,000 on Christmas last year (22%). This year, with spending power at its lowest level for 10 years**, consumers are feeling the financial hangover from a more confident Christmas enjoyed on the credit card and loans.
Alarmingly, it is cash strapped youngsters and low income earners who, having spent the most on last Christmas, are most likely to be feeling the repercussions of last year’s spending spree (see figures below).
The research into the financial impacts of last Christmas amongst a GB representative sample of 2,000 British adults was carried out by the new money savings website which launches this week to enable Brits to get more for their money this Christmas.
With these alarming figures in mind, will give shoppers the opportunity to save up to 20% on their Christmas shopping. Putting consumers back in control of their spending, the site searches over 700 retailers for the best price on around one million products. The site includes a unique price checker which allows consumers to set the price they want to pay for items, notifying them when the price of a product falls to within their budget.
64. I Feel Unappreciated
Anyway...It really isn't that bad, it just bugs me. In fact if I wasn't having problems downloading pictures from the camera, I probably wouldn't have a problem with it. But couple it with downloading issues and it is all frustrating. "Have you got all my stuff up yet?" NO, and I don't have my stuff up either. Neither one of us is getting what they want! Of course, it is better not to yell at her, that doesn't get us anywhere.