Tuesday, October 30, 2007

62. All the Chicken

My mom is a meataholic. Well, specifically, chicken. She eats chicken like there is no tomorrow. Normally we get one chicken breast at dinner, or I cut up the meat and put it in a dish to make it go farther. After all, the meat is the most expensive part of the meal and we don't have unlimited funds to feed the four of us. Well, when my mom feeds herself she eats just chicken. Or chicken and stuffing or such and has three chicken breasts with her meal. Well this has made it so that we have been running out of chicken really quickly. I buy enough meat for the month and it lasts two weeks.

Of course this time I cheated a bit. I bought hamburger in the tube. You know the kind that is packaged long before it gets to the store. It has a picture of great burger on the package and is lots cheaper then buying it fresher....She watched a movie or read a book in her ethical delemas class that told her that a lot of nasty stuff went in there. Well, I pretend that I don't know that, and it tastes good, so I work with that. But she won't eat it. Which means that I don't have to worry about it disappearing every time we go somewhere (nothing like going to the store and coming home to find out you have run out of something while you were gone!).

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