Wednesday, October 10, 2007

58. Whining for No Reason

My mom would always get mad at us when we whined. It was just one of her pet peeves. Of course I never noticed what a whiner she is, but it is true. The other day we were shopping. Oh, do I hate shopping. But that's what we were doing. We went about out shopping and met up at the front. As I was using the self scanner she started whining that we got a lot of heat and eat stuff that she wouldn't heat and eat. She kept on complaining about it, after all she wouldn't eat pepperoni hot pockets and combination pizza rolls. I told her the hot pockets were for my husbands lunch on those days when I just didn't make enough for leftovers. That didn't matter.

I didn't point out that it was her who was spending thirty dollars on chocolate, licorice, cookies, and other crap. She could have taken her thirty dollars and bought something heat and eat, but that would have sacrificed her junk food. Of course she probably didn't buy enough. Last month it seemed that she got more then this month and last month she ran out a week and a half before we had money. So, she spent a week and a half begging for my chocolate stash and not believing that I really didn't (and don't) have one.

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