Friday, January 11, 2008

It's Been a Long Time

It has been a really long time. Lately I have been trying to make a lot of money using Helium's Reward-athon. This has taken up a large percentage of my time.

Things of note.

We are going to have to move out of our apartment by the end of May. This makes me very sad, after all I was hoping for a break from moving. It feels like moving is all we do. Move here, move there. It also poses a few issues with my mom. The question lingers, "What if she doesn't get her money?" This question comes with a touch of panic.

Other news. She is waiting for her psychological evaluation to find out if she is getting her money. This was supposed to happen in three to four months, but it didn't. The good news is, she has her appointment the 21st of this month...hopefully that means something.

In the time since I have last written we did an all night trip to the hospital, I continue to have problems, and she continues to complain. However, she now has an over the telephone boyfriend (who will be stopping to visit the start of next month, probably at the same time that we are supposed to have a giant sleepover with my in-laws).

Hopefully everything works out and works out well, but time will tell. Till then, I am once again apartment hunting. We want to be able to have the apartment of our choice this time.

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