Friday, January 18, 2008

Find a Dentist Using Spock

Okay, we have lived in Texas for seven months. Now I need to find a dentist. Having been around the block a little, I decided to see what I could find on Spock.

I joined Spock awhile back. It is a people search engine. You can go there, add whatever data about yourself. Search people of all types using regular search words. You can even add information about friends and family, celebrities, and even dead people. There is only one problem with Spock. It is addicting and you go there for one thing, only to spend an hour there having fun and checking out whatever comes to mind.

Anyway, today. I need to find a dentist. I was rather surprised that 17 results came up for my area. Of course, this doesn't mean much. I quickly found out that dentist, doesn't necessarily mean that the person is a dentist. The first result is Clara McNeely who showed up in my search because she likes the movie: "The Secret Lives of Dentists". I myself have never heard of the movie before today. Because I am impulsive I wanted to know more about Clara McNeely she is a massage therapist. I think I could use a massage. Of course she lives in Tyler, Texas and not Midland, Texas. Being new here I don't even know how far that is.

Anyway...back to the dentist search.

There are a few honest possibilities here. They don't include much information, but more then I would get out of a phone book about the men behind the white coats. There are eight general practice dentists. A few "self-employed" dentists, though I am not quite certain what that means. A few others who claim to be dentists, but have funky profiles. Ah...the information you can find on Spock.

I must say, whether you are looking for a dentist, curious about what's on there about yourself or other people you know, or you are looking for a different type of professional, Spock can be a lot of fun! It might surprise you what's on there and where it comes from!

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