Monday, January 28, 2008

91. "There's Cheese Its?!?"

The sound of her voice from the other room makes me cringe. I don't have a problem sharing good treats, such as Cheese Its, with her. Don't get me wrong. What bothers me about having treats is how fast they go. She doesn't have any restraint. I can remember her complaining that my brother would get up in the night and eat all the good things in the house. I know where he got it from!

Two weeks ago we bought a big box of hot cocoa. It had thirty packs. My husband and I used four of them. At the end of the week she told me it was gone and that it was good so I should add some more to the shopping list! We can't afford to go through a big box of 30 hot cocoas in one week. So, I haven't bought any more. Which means we go without as well.

So, when I hear her talking to the baby in the other room.

"There's Cheese Its ?!?"

Not anymore....

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