Tuesday, December 18, 2007

87. Don't Forget...

We have had a little trouble in trying to figure out laundry schedules. I am not used to doing laundry on a schedule and like to do it all the time, a little at the time. I like moving it around when I want to move it around and not worrying about whether enough is done. Well, Wednesday is a hard core work on the business day since it is a day when Marcus is gone. So, Wednesday has become my mom's day, which is why I have been doing the laundry today, and lots of it. My mom was like, "Don't forget tomorrow is my laundry day!" I wanted to say, "I won't you little..." But I didn't. I rarely tell her how I feel. I would rather she just hate living here and move out rather then know we absolutely 110% hate her living here!

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