Monday, December 10, 2007

84. I Don't Feel Like It

So, I borrowed the van so that I could take mom to go and fill out paperwork only to find that she doesn't want to. I went out of my way so she could, my in-laws went out of their way so she could and she doesn't feel up to it. Rather then tell me that in the morning, she tells me that a half an hour before we are going to leave. But she still needs me to go and get her heart meds. I do, and find out that the wait is an hour and a half. There I am wandering around Walmart. We checked out the outdoor section, the Christmas section, the fish, and everything else we could ever possibly look at. Marcus wasn't too happy, he doesn't really like shopping. By time we had actually left Walmart I wanted to cry...

Oh won't be forever.

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