Friday, June 8, 2007

9. Don't you ever get tired of telling me what to do

I would be exhausted, always telling someone what to do, but it has never been that way for my mom. She has always seemed to enjoy telling others what to do and being a nag. Well that hasn't changed any since she moved in here. In the beginning she had a "I am trying to respect that this is your home and your life" attitude, but somewhere along the line she has decided that "this is now her home and her life as well".

I have always felt that my mom was selfish and greedy, but I tried to think of it from her side and I knew that she felt other people where being selfish and greedy. Then it came down to if my needs were going to be met then I was going to have to be selfish and greedy. So, I always felt bad about how I felt and what I wanted, this is still the case.

I just want to be left alone. I know that some of the telling me what to do is because she can't do it and sometimes needs help. But other times, it just makes me hate being home. I don't get to do whatever I want, I feel like I have to do whatever she wants. Maybe I am looking at things wrong, but I need a vacation.

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