Wednesday, July 11, 2007

16. The Time and Work Factor

I know that today's complaint is just part of taking care of someone, but a tad bit frustrating none the less. We have one car, it normally takes my husband to work a half an hour away each day. On days that we need the car, I have to drive the half hour to drop him off and the half hour to get back. Then late at night when he is finally finished I have to drive the half hour to get him and the half hour to get home. He usually gets home about eleven pm.

Well it isn't that it isn't right for my mom to need to go places, I just wish she could show appreciation for what I have to do to get her there. She makes me feel like it is required, not like it was something nice that I have done to help take care of her.

Oh well, I suppose a simple, "thank you" is really too much to ask.

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