Thursday, May 31, 2007

Complaints and Rejoices

It isn't that I am just a whiner (thought I am using this blog to do just that and get it all out of my system so that I can be a wonderful, sweet, kind, and loving person in real life), but I seem to come up with lists upon lists of complaints that I can indeed have.

Today's complaint is somewhat related to the fact that I hate living with my mom, but isn't close enough related to be included in the numbered complaints (I am working up to 1001). Also, this complaint wouldn't normally exist, and I never saw this situation coming.

Many young couples choose to start over rather then moving all of their stuff to a new location, especially if that location is across the country. It is something that is certainly easier to do when you are young. Your attachments to your stuff are fewer, and you haven't had most of it for that long of a period of your life. I have a few items from my childhood that I have had for fifteen years, but not many. On the other hand if I were forty three instead of twenty three I would have more items that I have carried around with me for fifteen years.

So, when we decided two weeks ago that we were going to mail down a few of our must have items and start all over in Texas, it wasn't as hard for me as it was for my mom. I know that, and I have tried to be very sympathetic to that issue. However, it is really hard for me because I have to get rid of everything while watching her spend the thousand dollars that we have to mail things down. The first two items that we had to mail down were really pricey to mail...and we had to do it. We mailed down mom's wheelchair and her walker for a whopping $311.56. But they were worth almost 2k, so it was worth it. But that made our budget for mailing other things down much smaller. I have picked out a few books, nick knacks, and sentimental items that I want to keep. There are also a few that my husband wants to keep. Then there is the baby stuff that we will need and can't afford to replace right away. Well, it feels like we aren't going to be able to mail down everything that I want to mail down because mom's mailing down too much stuff. She feels bad, but doesn't know what to do. So, it is a crazy situation.

However, on the bright side, my husband has a job that makes about 2.5 times as much money as he was here in Wisconsin. I have a great excuse for going garage sale-ing, and I am very excited about some things in life. We started a website because we have a ton of things we want to publish and share, but we were hoping to make a little money on the side (it is hard financially to make the decision to be a stay at home mom, and we would love a little extra money). Well, I haven't had a lot of time to do all that I wanted to do, but I feel really good about where it is going. I didn't work on the website for about 8 weeks (it was hard to do with Peter in Texas and all of the craziness that life has been lately). I checked our Google AdSense page last week and we had made our first penny! Peter was like congratulations, now watch that penny snowball into something a little bigger. Well this morning's view of Google says that our penny has snowballed into three pennies. Not much of a snowball, but considering that our page isn't well developed yet, and our traffic is still very low...I am feeling good about it...just gotta keep plugging on.

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