Monday, May 28, 2007


With a title like 1001 Things I Hate About Living with My Mom you would think that I am some adolescent teen girl who always fights with my mom. I am sure there are many out there that are really like that. Maybe I am the college girl who's freedom has been stolen by a summer at home. Neither is the case. I am an almost 24 year old woman, with husband and son.

My Story.

I am sure that my story is not the only of it's type, though I haven't heard of such a case before. I know that I don't have it horrible, I have it really good. Life could be better, but it isn't. Life could be worse and I am blessed that that isn't the case. So, why am I writing this blog? And with such a negative title? Well you see, it is my way of blowing off steam.

My Situation.

For as long as I can remember my mom has hurt. When I was little she got shots in her legs. I didn't understand why then, but now I know that it was to numb her legs to pain. She worked most of my life and usually hard. At one point she was the director of a food pantry which took a lot of work because she often worked with fewer volunteers then the program really needed (a situation that happens in most organizations run on volunteer help). So, while she hurt a lot, she bull dogged her way through it, tough as nails. Until about two and a half years ago. She was hurting more and more and could push though it less and less. Her and my brother moved from Cadillac, MI to Grand Rapids, MI and tried to start a new life. But it wasn't long and my mom quit her job because of the pain. She went to the doctor for the first time in ages and gave him a huge list of issues. Overwhelmed he tried to help, but July 4, 2005 she had a heart attack. Her cardiologist said that her heart was fine and the only reason she had the attack was because of the unmanaged pain that she experienced daily. She had knee surgery in hopes of helping some of her pain. Then she was put on pain medications. By September 2005 she was on so much medications that we convinced her not to renew her drivers license. Things kept going down hill for her. September 2005 also marked my wedding to a wonderful man and by Christmas we were pregnant. The story gets crazier. My husband, new baby, and I moved to Wisconsin. It felt horrible leaving my mom with fewer people to lean on, but it had to be done. January came and it was clear that my mom needed more help then she was getting, and she could no longer afford her rent. She has been living without an income since March 2005 and things became too much. She is appealing the denied disability, but what to do till then? Discussing all the options left only one possibility. She had to move in with us. We packed her up, and moved her into our two bedroom apartment. Now we are moving to Texas where my husband has been offered a better job.

Oh yeah...The Point.

My mom is still mobile most days. She usually has one good day a week where she putters around the house and right now she is trying to go through things. We are getting rid of almost everything and mailing down only a few items of utmost importance. But I know that she can't really live on her own... I am going to use this blog to voice my complaints. Some maybe funny, some sad, some outrageous. At least I can complain without bothering the people who would be upset by the situation (my mom and husband). I doubt that this is the kinda blog to draw a huge audience, but feel free to read, and to comment. Please know that I am only complaining. Also, if you do comment don't be nasty to me or anyone else who comments. Thanks~

Oh, and since this is negative...

Maybe it would be a good idea to read something positive I have done :-D

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