Tuesday, May 29, 2007

2. You Need to Take Out the Trash Honey

Some of the things I complain about will probably change with time. It is just that we have been thrust into unfamiliar territory. She isn't used to being anything but "mom". As a mom she was difficult to live with. Something that scares me in this new territory. Will she continue to be difficult to live with, forever driving me crazy?

When we were kids...

When we were kids we had chores. Not that she asked a lot out of us, just your basic take out the garbage and do the dishes. It was just that they had to be done on her time frame or she would nag. I felt (after growing up and moving out) that I deserved this nagging. It was my fault after all, where if I would have gotten up and taken the garbage out when asked then it would not have continued. Or if the dishes were done when she got home...


It didn't stop when I was young. Now I am in my own home and am being told when to take out the garbage and when to take care of the dishes. And not just once in awhile, but regularly, several times a day.

Well not much to say about that, the only sad thing is it probably won't go away any time soon.

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