Friday, February 22, 2008


Sometimes I would like nothing more then to take a vacation from my own life. I hate living with my mom, I always feel stressed, and my blood pressure is running about 175/100. She doesn't understand how the things she does, says, and how she acts effects the people she lives with. Instead she likes to manipulate me any way she can. Today, she isn't eating what I am cooking. Instead she is making me cook something different for her. After all she doesn't like what I am making and somehow she feels it is my responsibility to care. The bad thing is, I do care. I care that she eats and she makes me feel bad. I end up cooking for her so that she is happy.

But no one seems to care that I am so stressed out I can't manage or that I am on the verge of having a heart attack. Well, that isn't completely true. My husband cares, but considering the fact that I rarely see him, it doesn't really matter much.

Anyway...such as life.

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