Friday, February 29, 2008

93. Graduation

"Well, at least I will get to see one of my girls graduate!"

My roommate from college is graduating this year. She has worked hard for it and I am proud of her. When I told my mom, she quickly figured out how she could go and watch. With the reply, "Well, at least I will get to see one of my girls graduate!" Her "girls" are my best friend from high school, my college roommate, and myself. Regi (my college roommate) is the only one to graduate and at the way things are going, will probably be the only one to graduate.

While being happy for Regi, I felt a little angry at my mom. After all, she has made it well known that she is disappointed with the fact that I dropped out of college. It doesn't matter the situations that differ, it only matters that I didn't finish and she wanted me to. It doesn't matter that as a mom, I don't plan on going out and getting a real job and that all the things I do online for money don't require that I have a college degree. It doesn't matter that my husband and I are working hard to be successful at what we do. It only matters that I don't have that piece of paper.

Well, neither does she. She graduated from high school the year after I did through a homeschool course. She went to college for three semesters. Now she has student loan debt. But it isn't near what I have. She has a little 2500 dollar loan, while mine are resting at about 13,000. Maybe if she had paid for my education (Regi's was paid for by her parents) then it would be done and over with and she could be proud of my piece of paper. As it is, she will just have to keep her disappointment to herself. After all, she lives off of my husband and I!

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